Keeping Getting Logged Out
I keep getting logged out every time I switch to other locations (In the same country and region, like from Home to School and vice versa)
I’m not sure if this is intentional or a bug but whenever I which to my Wi-Fi to my Cellular service, I would still receive notifications from my account but when I enter the app (In this case, tapping the notification) I would be logged out and require to login. I know this is some kind of security thing but it is becoming annoying to login every time
Log In
Issue might be related to 2fa token. Was doing some research for my project and 2FA token is JWT token. And said token is alive around a month. Soo maybe thats why?
JantsoP hey I just probably need some help with my VRChat account Nebraska2007 and I was having a bad day tried getting the Vrchat IOS Beta App on my TestFlight app.