A similar post was made, but was closed because the feature was still in beta at the time. This feature is now live. This feature request is also different from other requests in that I am requesting a weighted average instead of removal or change in values.
With the introduction of the avatar performance ranking system, it has become very clear that some extremely optimized avatars are being ranked as poor or worse because they are not optimized in one category alone. For example, a hyper-optimized avatar with, lets say 10,000 polys, one material, no cloth physics, one mesh, no particles or audio sources, but with 51 dynamic bone transforms. This avatar would be ranked poorly, despite being very well optimized. I propose a weighted average that takes the performance ranking of all of your performance stats into account, and gives you an overall performance ranking, instead of the extremely harsh ranking of the worst rank being the one that is shown to all users. Of course, users with absurd numbers of cloth polygons or dynamic bone colliders should still be ranked poor, even if they have a low poly count and are a single material. This is where the weighting of the calculation comes in.
Please consider implementing this. Seeing an avatar that you spent hours optimizing (Merging bones, atlasing, etc) get ranked terribly because you have a dynamic skirt is discouraging, and removes the incentive to optimize in general, if even your most optimized avatars will be ranked as poor anyway. Why atlas, decimate, merge bones, limit collider usage, etc, if your performance ranking is going to be "poor" even with all the optimizations?