Vive Wands NEW Gesture and Radial menu problems (Official Advanced Vive Settings)
After the update i have re-assigned my keybinds to VRCHAT's Advanced Vive settings And i see some issues still happening with the vive wands.
- When closing the radial menu, it resets the gesture being held
- Holding down a gesture while selecting an action on the radial menu will change your gesture to where the action is on the menu [E.g: Fingerpoint on trigger -> Rock & Roll after selection)
I am providing a video showing all the issues with VIVE gestures.
P.S I am a bit sick while recording this so don't mind my raspy voice xD
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I would really like to have a rollback on this update for Vive wand users.
I've tried several things but turning around is extremly slow/not working unless you hit the sweetspot, reloading a gun makes you hold the mag in your hand unless you find that sweetspot as well, gestures are locked until you manually release the pose which makes opening menues impossible (that require you to flip up and down on your steeringpad)
My $1600 htc vive pro 2 have been rendered useless after your update and i see this is happening worldwide.
Please fix this mess..
Also before someone say "get Index controllers" , would LOVE to but they've never been available in Norway and with shipping and import we're looking at $600+ just for 2x controllers.
I can confirm the new gesture and hand tracking updates have negatively impacted using Vive controllers as these issues also persist with my setup.
Can confirm this issue too with vive controls, it's very annoying