Unfriendly anouncement error message.
Currently when the client fails to retrieve an announcement correctly, it displays the message bellow. It should not do this. I would get in trouble at my job if our app had an error message that displayed that. Even just having Lorem Ipsum would be better. I ask that the message be changed to something along the lines of "The announcement we tried to retrieve failed to load! Sorry about that!"
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who really gives a shit anyone with a brain will know its just an error
xxx_red_xxx: I was a little annoyed and frustrated when I made the initial canny, but that mostly stemmed from the fact that I help moderate some of the out of app social platforms that VRChat is on (Steam Forums, Facebook, Discord). The sheer number of posts and treads being made by people who believe that this message was the result of someone hacking into their computer was quite large. You have to remember that there are a massive subset of people that aren't aware of how computers and software work, and to them it is very much magic, and so the slightest miscommunication can lead to massive assumptions. And the amount of foot dragging at changing a fallback string was even bigger, which pushed my frustration further. This was already an issue for a while at the time. From the time I made the canny, to the time it got marked as in-progress, was 4 months, to change a line of text.
Brandon Dean
Personally I don't think it's ahuge issue... I'd have it so that showed up for a split second before an error announcement is loaded as default so it looks like the game just stopped a rogue announcement. That'd be pretty good for a small bit of dev comedy while waiting on the world to load.
in progress
Fixed in 2019.3.1 Open Beta.
You sound like you're genuinely offended by this... Considering the absolute unholy torrent of chaos that bombards your eyes and ears the moment you set foot into any VRChat world, I'd think this slightly silly message would fit in fine.
Due to how unity works, I would assume it most likely was just used when they needed to test the font and layout, and not actually intended for anyone to view.
+1 for changing it though, should take extremely short time to do, lol. I _do_ think you're kinda overreacting with the unprofessional bit though.
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VRChat is like ACTUALLY pwnd.
I have seen this splash screen 4 times in the past day. What cruel joke is this, Tupper?
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Weird Announcement When Loading iIn
Turbid Rose
Just recently I've been loading in and I get an announcement that states random key smashes for example "Announcement SKDJSDJFO:IASKJDO:IKJAS:DOJIA" It pops up for a split second before I load in. I never am able to read past the first few key smashes to see if it actually says anything.
I was planning to start recording so I could catch it because I’m curious too.
its a placeholder announcment, somebody posted it here somewhere already and they should have fíxed it by now
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