So I wanted to suggest an idea to add with the voice to text feature that will be added eventually, and that's a translator option. A big thing that can separate vr users is the language barrier, is separates us in real life, but if we can get a universal translator working, I believe it could bring the community closer.
In vrchat in the past I was able to hook up a live working translator system so I could understand native Japanese speakers, it was a mix of a phone emulator running the google translate app with the live translate feature, voice meeter to take my vrchat audio and run it through a virtual cable into the phone emulator. It properly worked, it was a little jank with a few mistranslation here and there, but I could actually understand them, I could know what they were saying, only issue being it only worked one way, so they couldn't understand me unless they did the same system. I truly believe that with the right translator API that this system could be running, and will allow everyone to be able to speak to eachother, regardless of language.
I hope this will be considered.