I like the new loading screens but constantly seeing the rules or things i already have seen and know how to do a hundred times i understand rules are rules and people are constantly joining the community but... I wish there was a option to disable Tips when loading into a world. It kinda gets annoying after a while.
The constant IN YOUR FACE nature of the the Tips especially the rules give me a Heavy handed feeling and overall negative vibe considering the frequency of the rules being thrown in your face. every time you load into a world. If you use VRChat services you've agreed to the terms of service there is no need to keep shoving the rules down our throats. If you didn't read the rules that's on you. You are responsible for your own actions while using VRChat services. So with that being said I Kindly ask you (and on the behalf or all who vote) to consider a option to disable the Tips in the loading screen sometime in the near future.
thank you for your understanding.