The ability for PC players to see the Quest version of Avatars/Worlds instead of the PC version when possible
This idea primarily is for people who have terribad PCs. Maybe this could be added as a launch option for the game, but the premise is simple: Whenever a Quest version of an Avatar/World is available, let the PC user see that instead of the PC version. If not, then just use the PC version of the avatar/world.
Not only do I think this would help people on poor performance computers, but I also think it would be handy for avatar creators who only have PCs and upload Quest available versions (me being one of them) of their avatars, too. Maybe you can already see Quest avatars/worlds on PC, but as far as I'm aware you can't.
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i was thinking the same thing, but instead of having it be a lunch option have it be a toggle. somewhere in the settings for worlds and a toggle in User Actions/ profile
Scout - VRChat Head of Quality Assurance
why is there two of me
I say we should have the ability to "See" Quest Users Using Quest Avatars/Models...........Not PC variant of the Quest Model......
Have already seen one Quest User running around with a Model with no Animations on His/her End of VRChat while the PC Version of that model is Blasting Animations out of the KAhoots left and right without realizing it
i mean whats so hard about a PC User being able to See Quest model that restricted to only "VRChat/Mobile/Shader"
then a Shader that is Compatible with each other then.....though coded differently but someway that both shaders looks the same........i mean like look at PC Genshin and Mobile Genshin ...... most likely coded dif but looks similar........ a shader that is standard with both sides
Emmanuel Lopez
I just had my VR stolen, and + this because it allows me to continue my social interaction in a meaningful manner with existing deep pocketed VR friends, while also providing a subtle push to lower the computational load of avatars in general.
As a PC player that does try to tend to the quest crowd this would be a blessing. Several of my newer avatars have Quest uploaded versions. It would be nice if I could actually see them without uploading them as a separate avatar for testing, then later merging by using the same ID. I find myself going to the hub constantly to make sure they see me, my full body and any animations correctly on the quest versions... basically this would cut my development times in half.
[Jmelt] Kurisu
This is not technically possible. The Quest version of a world is contained in a file that was exported for use on Android devices, which is incompatible with the PC. The entire reason why VRChat has Quest content is because creators willingly export their content to Android through the Unity Editor. Its a completely different operating system from PC.
If you have a terrible PC, VRChat has limited graphics options you can access by holding CRTL when clicking on the game icon on Desktop. If that fails you, then either upgrade or buy an Oculus Quest.
A button to allow us to use or at least see how a Quest version of an avatar looks would be amazing. Often Im wondering how a Quest user sees the avatar Im using.
And yes, it would be great to load into a Quest version of a world / avatar.
Euh... As PC user, you can enter Quest worlds. Quest cannot enter PC world. That is already there set.
Same for avatars. PC can use both avatar versions, but Quest cannot use PC avatars and will not see other pc avatars.
The VRChat home world as starting place is already made for Quest and PC. But if you have already set other world, you need fix it yourself.
Just look at the icons when checking worlds. It will tell it's Quest optimized world or not.
MrDummy_NL: your missing the point, he means entering the quest optimized version of a world, which in most cases would run significantly better than a pc version of it.
What SpiritedSpy said is basically what I was trying to say, my wording might've been a little confusing lol my bad
Venclaire: There is no world that has BOTH modes. It's always Quest world (exported from Unity with Android pack) or always PC world.
There is no mixed Quest / PC world in VRChat. It's not possible now and there are no tools for it to switch.
Quest worlds are optimized for Quest, but you can enter Quest worlds without problem as PC user.
MrDummy_NL: Yes, I understand that. The point of the post is to allow for the PC player to see the Quest version of the world/avatar instead for a more optimized version. An example of this would be the Black Cat. In the Quest version, the magazine stands, light fixtures, potted plants, and other miscellaneous objects are removed
"It's not possible now and there are no tools for it to switch."
Exactly, which is why I'm recommending it on here.
Venclaire: you may be able to download an android emu and get the vrc apk somewhere and run that
MrDummy_NL: You're both missing the point and also wrong at the same time. The point is to allow PC users to see the Quest version of avatars and worlds instead of the PC version.
The part you're wrong regarding is with how worlds work. Same as avatars, a cross platform world can be uploaded for each platform with considerable differences. They share the same world ID, but are distinct scenes. It's possible to upload a quest world, and then make a graphically and feature enhanced version for PC, with both existing as the same instance.
Further any world uploaded only for Quest can only be entered by Quest users. All worlds must be uploaded for both (using the same ID) in order to be cross platform.