I have an idea for VRChat that i think might be interesting or helpful for some
as many people know there are a whole spectrum of people in the community, many are very vocal and everyone is fairly kind to each other (at least that's how I've seen VRChat)
now to get to the concept i wanted to discuss,
there are a lot of players who decide/choose to be mute & there are also a fair amount of sign language users sometimes there is a disconnect between meeting someone who either signs or is mute so to counteract that I'd like to propose something subtle a bit like the upcoming icons seen in the trailer but instead or in duality with the profile picture,
i think it might be interesting to have an subtle icon for sign language users, mutes & other niches I'm missing out,
i feel as though this could help people understand that a certain person cant hear or has made the decision not talk easier to notice rather than them having to explain it to every person they come across i feel like this would be a good quality of life update for the game.
I'm hoping for a positive out look on this but I'm aware that not everyone will agree this is a good idea or concept, i thought i would throw the idea on the table and see what people think.
again hopefully this has some positive effect to the community and helps make the game/socialising easier for people.