[SDK] Please provide hook on calculating pre-building Avatar Performance Rank.
To show more correct Avatar Performance Rank on Control Panel with optimization tools, I want SDK to have callbacks to provide modified count of something like triangle count, bone count.
Some callback (logically) takes two parameters, component and enum specifies property, and returns the value of property is one way.
(I said "logically" because for feature scalability, pass one class instance with two info can be better.)
Currently there's callback to exclude some Component form rank calculation (AvatarPerformance.ShouldIgnoreComponent which is marked as PublicAPI). however it's not enough.
Related Canny: There's no way to know actual Avatar Performance Rank: https://feedback.vrchat.com/sdk-bug-reports/p/theres-no-way-to-know-actual-post-preprocesscallback-avatar-performance-rank
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