[Script update] Dynamic bones v1.3.0
Dynamic bones released an update with the following changes:
Add "Roots" parameter to setup multiple root transforms.
Add "Blend Weight" parameter to control how physics blends with existing animation.
Collider add enable/disable check box.
Collider add "Radius 2" to setup capsules of two radii.
Use multithread to improve physics simulation performance.
Parameters can be animated with Unity animation system.
Updating the game to this version may be an easy way for everyone to save some frames while we wait for avatar dynamics.
Also, being able to animate the dynamic bones script adds a lot of possibilities to 3.0 avatars
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Just H․ Miku
Ugh on mobile but I agree this should be implement and it’s quick and easy
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community
In short, no: we do not have plans to update Dynamic Bones to 1.3.0 update.
Here's why:
- Avatar Dynamics and PhysBones is quite close.We'll have more news soon. I know Soon™ is a meme, but... soon. It'll be well worth the wait.
- Implementing this update would cost a significant amount of engineering, QA, and production time that we are currently spending on PhysBones and Avatar Dynamics.Anydevelopment time spent on the DB upgrade would be a waste as soon as PhysBones releases.
- Their multithreading implementation does not provide a significant enough performance boost to override the previous two reasons.The implementation appears to be aslightimprovement for Dynamic Bones, but when compared to PhysBones? Doesn't come close.
I know waiting for something like PhysBones and Avatar Dynamics is tough. We very much appreciate your patience. You'll get more info soon.
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community: Okay, but when is "soon" going to be? The April dev stream stated that avatar dynamics would be implemented during the summer (assuming this is northern hemisphere summer) but we've not heard a peep about it since then. If there is something actually tangible to be shown off in the next month, then I can understand declining to update the existing scripts.
Trae: They are waiting for the year to roll over to 2022, so that they can say that it is in summer. :D
In all honestly, it would be nice to see at least something at this point. "Soon" is not enough.
fluff ≺3
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community: 'Their multithreading implementation does not provide a significant enough performance boost to override the previous two reasons.' Without implementing it there is no way to say it's not significant performance since you couldn't have test it. Its just a lazy way of saying we don't wanna spend time on it since 'soon' we will have avatar dynamics. Give is a reasonable date since 'end summer' is 4-5months ago.
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community: since you don't implement this update, I guess the converter is working already perfectly and there will be no period where both systems are in the game?
Trae: The stream said they guess it would be around summer. That's quite a bit different from saying it will be done by summer.
Just H․ Miku
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community: I’m sorry but saying it will take resources to implement an update in the background is just pure bs. It doesn’t take what you are claiming to do plus I trust this update more then what vrchat claims they are making since everyone uses this and in the end will help improve frames for everyone. Just saying no is almost like chillvr saying no to adding a quick menu. This is just being shortsighted in an easy implementation that takes no real work.
~ Storm ~
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community: Soon is a horrible timeline. At least give us Quarters as in First Quarter of 2022, or 2nd quarter etc.
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community: Could work until Physics Bones is implemented, but wouldn't keep Dynamic Bones out of date just to wait for physics bones until some time at the end of next year. People will just break ToS just to get the updated dynamic bones to work in game as it includes blend weights and for colliders, includes radius 2 option. with the option to enable/disable the collider object without disabling the gameobject itself.
Yes please
Definitely seconding this. The multithreading alone will be a sight for sore eyes, particularly for heavily-populated worlds. Additionally, the ability to set up a single dynamic bone system applied to multiple chains will simplify setup and reduce the amount of components and scripts on avatars with many dynamic bones, which should make them a bit more performant.
I strongly believe it is worthwhile maintaining support for Dynamic Bone scripts for the time being until the in-house dynamics solution is implemented.