Preventing Nuisance Users from Entering an Instance / nuisance ユーザをインスタンスに入場させたくない
Detecting and blocking or group banning nuisance users is a reactive approach to dealing with disruptive behavior. To prevent instances from being disturbed—whether they are opened for casual play or hosting events—we would like a proactive solution. Specifically, we request a feature that automatically prevents identified nuisance users from entering an instance.
nuisance ユーザを検知したときに Block もしくは Group Ban する作業は、荒らしに対する後手の対応です。通常遊ぶ目的や、イベントを開催する目的で開くインスタンスを荒らされたくないため、事前対応として自動的に入場を阻止するような機能がほしいです。
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As stated creator guideline ( under Worlds (but also case of community guideline), Instance moderation required to be "per person","at time", "per instance bases" as general rule.
As those are general stand point of how moderation handled, I don't think it would happen in the way you mentioned.
For Group Instance, you can have your own rule and did what you want within whatever stated under guideline.
But general rule of "per person","at time", "per instance bases" applied along with advance ban which you can add "per user" if you need to add in-advance.
Personally consider that there may be legal matter which make this not happen also possible so I don't think it happen in any mean.
個人的に思う所で、法令的な問題もありそうですが、Mod Banまではいかないですが、そこに近い人達という位置づけに思っているので繰り返しレポートされるようであれば近日、Banされるとは思う所です。
I checked the creator and community guidelines, but as far as I can see, there are no terms of instance moderation limits.
The Worlds section of the creator guideline says that we may not use an Udon script based preemptive moderation system, but that statement seems to apply to world gimmicks, not a group.
In addition, the community guideline (and the Terms of Service) state that harmful or hateful activity is never allowed on VRChat.
Seeing this, I feel that to banning nuisance users who have caused problems for others is within the proper moderation of a group.
(In the first place, when using the moderation feature that provided by VRChat, it's usually not a problem).
Creator/Community Guidelinesを確認しましたが、インスタンスのモデレーションに関する明確な制約は記載されていませんでした。
更に、Community Guidelines(並びにToS)にはVRChatにおいて有害・憎悪的行為は一切許可されないとも記載されており、これらを見る限り、何らかの迷惑(有害)な行為を働いた証明でもあるnuisanceユーザーに対して、Groupへのアクションを禁止することは適切なモデレーションの範囲内であると考えます。
Tony_Lewis I think it's okay to ask VRChat for things contrary to terms of service. It's a good cheap deal! Two for price of one. Asking for a thing, and that it be okay.