Preload Worlds
A small button to start the download of a world without going into the loading screen so you can stay in a world n chat with people while the world is downloading in the background.
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Tupper - VRChat Head of Community
World Loading was implemented in a previous release!
Go to a World in your menu, and you can click preload. You'll get a little download bar, and once it's done, a notification will pop up.
You can do this on direct world joins, or when you're invited. If you're invited to a world, preload it by clicking on the three dots next to the invite notification. From there, you can get to the instance page for the instance you've been invited to, click "Preload", and you'll start downloading. Again, you'll get a notification when its time to hop.
We have a few more ideas to make this even better, and hope to be able to circle back to those ideas at some point in the future.
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community: Victory at last!
Daisuko Chan
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community Well since we have this, I think it would be a great idea to have a preload for portals too. This would be really useful. For example, if a friend opens a portal that is in japanese, it might be hard to search for that world but if you can preload, then there would be no need to search for it.
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community Hello! I think this is completed. Not sure if anyone needs to be poked or just leave it.
It would be nice to have an extra button on the invite notification screen that lets you preload worlds that you are invited to. Either the button can show where your invite response options are, or fall within the [···] button where more options are selected.
DAG-XR: why not also then add that the moment you click the join button the friend that send the invite gets a small message "name is on their way to join u"
d v l
A button is inconvenient. VRCX used to pre-download worlds automatically when you were invited or a friend dropped a portal but VRC forced them to stop doing that.
There should be an option to pre-load worlds automatically when someone invites you or your friend drops a portal in the instance you are in.
That is exactly the sort of mod behavior that was wasting VRChat's resources. Downloading things you might not even use.
owlboy: Maybe there could be a disable-able notification option that pops up whenever someone drops a portal that prompts the user to pre-download the world it leads to. That way no extra downloads start without their approval. If they don't intend on following, they can click No, disable that notification (or have it be turned off when turning off portal notifications), or the option just disappears after some amount of time. That way they don't have to interrupt their experience every time a portal is dropped.
This should be the default behavior
This canny is a Classic.
Ruuubick - Designer
in progress
Ruuubick - Designer: Yoooo!
Ruuubick - Designer: lets goooo
Ruuubick - Designer: ong
~ Lupsoris ~
Ruuubick - Designer: Previews? :D
Ruuubick - Designer
~ Lupsoris ~: Unsure what you're asking about!
~ Lupsoris ~
Ruuubick - Designer: As this is "IN PROGRESS", perhaps we can see how it will be implemented? What more will we get in our menus? Screenshots? ^^'
Ruuubick - Designer
~ Lupsoris ~: Oh lol no, that's not how canny works, you'll get to see it soon in the open beta!
Scout - VRChat Head of Quality Assurance
Scout - VRChat Head of Quality Assurance: I know it's just being tracked, but it fills me with hope now <3
BranVR: We're getting closer. It is now in progress.
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community
Wanted you to take a look at this QoL suggestion.
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community
CyanoTex: We've known about this request and have wanted to implement it for years (even before this post)! Just a matter of time, getting resources, and fixing up systems to support it.
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community: It would really be awesome to implement something like that, because of how sometimes people can have problems with downloading worlds. Take your time just... it's a pain to keep getting sending back to home when downloading a giant world...
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community: that also gives me an idea, why does the vrchat world percentage sometimes stop, sends me back into homeworld and then i have to download all of it again?
Merged in a post:
seamless world loading
instead of a loading screen have a small popup that just tell you if the world has been downloaded and you can just confirm it to load in
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