Portals to friends+ should be visible to everyone by default
available in future release
Friends+ instances are about letting all friends of friends to join there, most popular instance type for people just hanging out around and visiting worlds, yet now everyone must remember to always unlock the portal before dropping because otherwsie not everyone can follow you.
If its friends+ instance, I want friends of my friends to be able to join, current default behaviour is super unintuitive, many people didn't even know that their portal is not visible to some people, as everyone expect that a portal to friends+ instance can be used by friends of their friends or just everyone around so they can follow along.
If I would want only my friends to follow me I would drop a portal to friends only instance.
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available in future release
Strasz - Community Team
This is a good idea, and we'd like to implement it. We'll need to think about the specifics a bit, but hopefully it's something we can bring over soon.
Not sure how proper is this idea in this topic, but perhabs "Locked" Portals should just have different outline? If unlocked portal has "Blue Fire" around it, why, for example, just not make a 'Locked" Portal Green? That way you could at least see and notice at a glance which type did you drop
Iron_: Still the main issue is the very confusing default behaviour imho, so that will make it confusing but green, not really solves it.
Scout - VRChat Head of Quality Assurance
I agree. For the longest time I have been dropping friends+ portals around my friends, only to discover that their friends weren't able to tag along as well.
Having the portal locked is also non-obvious, as the portal from a quick glance looks the same as any other, there isn't anything glaring that warns without being able to miss that others around you won't be able to join.
EvolvedAnt: Portals could use some way tell weather it's locked or not. As mentioned in this canny https://feedback.vrchat.com/feature-requests/p/feedback-add-si-lock-indicator-to-dropped-portals