Photos saved by virtual camera could contain some metadata with the names of the players in the photo
I like to tag the photos I take so that I can (1) remember who is in the photo months later when peoples' avatars have changed and (2) easily find them in searches later.
Currently this is a manual process, but it seems like the game has all the information necessary to do this automatically.
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The new dev update shows that the new feature, prints, will also contain this feature.
"First, Prints carry meta data with them (showing who took the photo, where it was taken, and when it was taken)."
so this feature should definitely be added to the regular photos!
6 years later and I still want this. Having the worldID saved as well would be great for old worlds that just get forgotten. Maybe even having an in-game photo viewer, where you can view all the tags and stored metadata, possibly even share them with others.
metapsychology If you’d like the WorldID being saved I’d highly recommend using VRCX. It’s a small companion app that runs independently of VRC and allows for friend management among other things. One of its small features that can be enabled is for it to append the WorldID to the file name of any VRChat picture taken, so you always know where you were when you took that photo.
This would be so awesome to have, was about to post that idea myself. I am glad its already tracked. Its sometimes a pain to find all the pictures of Friend.
This would be great, maybe also include the world ID like VRCX already does.
I had this same idea long ago, and even had done some sort of proof-of-concept script for Python using the VRChat API. I would suggest the next if this is going to be implement in some moment; Add an option to turn off this feature, keep it as World, and Friends in the world (this could be also done using some sort of ray cast when the picture is taken).
Scout - VRChat Head of Quality Assurance
Vtuber めかにゃんこ🥕🐬😸(meka nyanko)
I came up with an alternative that is less difficult to implement.
It seems that a lot of special control is necessary for "the function to record the user ID in the photograph taken with the camera".
Instead, you can make a rough distinction by saving the image of the avatar when taking screenshots of users in the world.
Vtuber めかにゃんこ🥕🐬😸(meka nyanko): google translate detected
Vtuber めかにゃんこ🥕🐬😸(meka nyanko)
I agree.
I want a function to record the name of the user in the picture or the user who is in the same world from the image taken in the VRCHAT.
The reason we want it is because we want to determine who is who when we look back on the photo.
I'm glad if it is a method to embed in an image or output to text with the same name as the image.
Thank you.
↓in Japanese↓
Vtuber めかにゃんこ🥕🐬😸(meka nyanko): google translate detected
This is a cool idea, but I feel it can be taken advantage of by stalkers
akalink: You could implement a privacy mode like "allow picture tagging only for friends" and this would write "anonymous" instead of your name in the picture metadata of non friends.
JoRoFox: That's probably easier to imagine than it is to program.
CyanoTex: It really isn't.
CyanoTex: Simple user tag. All the client has to do is check if the user has the tag or not. Its the same idea as trust ranks. Or group representation.