The ability to categorize avatars
As lots of people have all kinds of avatars, why not have it so that we can categorize the avatars in different sections.
So let's say you have a anime avatar, put that in the Anime category, and avatars with sound put that in the avatars with sound section, and so forth..
Scrolling through all the avatars is a bit too much when you have too many avatars uploaded.
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How about the ability to add tags to our avatars? Generic ones for example, Good, Medium, Poor, Gogo, Audio Link, Marker, Particles, would be great to filter the uploaded section by.
Even better would be to create our own tags e.g. bunny, cat, haptic, dancer, fidget, cyber.....
Having the function added to the control panel in unity, but also the website and in game would be great.
͘͘͘͘͘Rabbitee This is something I'd like to see as well, but not just for avatars but worlds too... Having just 4 folders separate our different kinds of favorite worlds is silly. We should be able to either set tags, or make a lot more folders at least.
Rotund Canine
I would adore having something like this since I try to keep my avatars at least somewhat optimized, keeping weapons and such limited to one per avi. It would be SO nice to just have a a folder or something to keep them in line and not have to scroll through newer uploads
Scout - VRChat Head of Quality Assurance
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community
Actually nevermind I wanna keep this one around.
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community
Closing due to age, please make a new post if it is still relevant.
This soo much!
My current avatar count is growing every month and showing an avatar off I made 2 years ago requires a few minutes of scrolling through my avatar list.
I would love to have the ability to sort avatars in a folder-like structure so i can group all "different outfits" of 1 model into one group, have experimental test avatars hidden away and all meme/topical avatar in another location for quick access.
One thing that could be a nice start is to have the ability to mark an avatar as hidden in your avatar list. (similar to public/private)
Hidden status would remove an avatar from the default list and would only allow to be loaded by going into an expanded list or by use of pedestals/cloning (if public).
Ruuubick - Designer
Merged in a post:
Personal Avatar Sorting
As a model maker that has 100+ models uploaded to my VRC account, it would be nice to be able to sort my uploaded avatars similar to the way I can sort worlds and friends into playlists.
the stray cat
fully agreed ive not made That meny and i still have trubel with finding my own avatars.and updating them is a pain if you lose your project. having to try and update in alphabetical order
This, this, this, and this. Sort, categorize, put into folders or directories, rename, sort alphabetically or by date of upload, or something else. We just need this. Please.
el ff1493
the monkey's paw curls a finger
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