Opt in Recaptcha system for world join
FBT Heaven Team
Due to the increasing issue of Photon Bots, I would like to opt in to have a Recaptcha system or some form of verification system to go though before joining a world. This will keep bots from entering the world and crashing worlds/lobbies
Not all worlds will need this system but it will help those who are constantly attacked by BOT Accounts.
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Scout - VRChat Head of Quality Assurance
ReCaptcha is a web technology, available only for web sites. None of VRChat's UI is web-based, and even if it was, ReCaptcha relies on Google's cookies that track you everywhere on the web, and since you browse the web on chrome/firefox and not VRChat, it would be highly ineffective at doing the one-click checkbox verification system. Sure VRChat could do more checks on client-server communication, but ReCaptcha is a terrible solution for this problem.
dr wily is on the loose again guys with his new line of evil photon robots we NEED to implement megaman to defeat the photon bots please vrchat developers i will do anything for megaman
Make it so that this only applies to Visitors and Nuisance ranks. All users and verified accounts shouldn't have to put up with it. Even though accounts unfortunately get hijacked, a majority of Photon bots that I've reported to VRChat are Visitor rank as I've looked into their User ID.
DAG-XR: Something to note is these kids don't have infinite money so perhaps VRC+ bypass too
DAG-XR: Most of the bots that crash me are trusted user. A dedicated person can get trusted in under 20 hours. The more accounts you have the easier it gets since you can just intermingle them in one big network of bots making other bots trusted user.
This is not how it works. Recaptcha as well as most powerful captachas are designed for web sites. If id of instance is known it is possible to join anyways. If you put captacha on the site you only need to solve it once to get the instance id to join. And then bots can reuse that id for re-joining. So captacha should be in game itself at joining stage, but it is complicated in two ways: it is hard for users to solve captchas every time they joining instances and it is hard to modify Photon arhitecture to implement this. I believe devs should rework networking and instance auth for entire game and probably drop buggy Photon.
kawashirov: Some day it will most likely happen but we will have to wait until then.
If this is done creatively enough you can possibly even do this via udon. I think this is a decently creative idea, it might be a bit of a hassle but if it helps stop this glaring issue with public worlds I'm all for it. As long as the captcha's tasteful.
Its not only bots tho, we all understand that community is getting more toxic than usual, but its going out of control right now. Now I fully understand why are people in the private worlds all the time and they do not visit public worlds anymore. Like a few months ago, you could go to public lobbies and boom. You met so many people, you could make so many friends but not anymore.
Now when you go and visit some public lobby, it usually ends up after few minutes like this scenario ->: People are crashing everybody (mainly the quests) for no reasons. Another crazy thing happened a few days ago, when I visited Black cat and there were people playing some really loud music. So I got closer to them and apologize, that I dont like the music, so I am gonna mute them. They instantly laughed and crashed me for no reason.
It is not only bots, Azuki.
But I think it could help at least a little bit for better VRChat.
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