Now that VRC will have EAC, I'd like a few features from the mods I used to use.
ava the avali
The main things I want are:
- Better camera system (choose resolution up to 16K, etc)
- A option to automatically disable cloning when entering worlds.
- Better VR menu positioning (see ComfyVRMenu mod)
- Anti-Crash mods (please just put these into the game they work so well already)
- Auto-Clear Cache
- Avatar Searching.
- Auto-rotation of photos to match the in-game camera orientation.
This is most of what the client mod community wants. Could you implement these potentially?
I think adding those will make it so people who aren't using client mods maliciously won't even need mods in the first place. This includes me.
Thanks for reading this list.
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Tony Benson
I am guessing this is only for PC only a God forbid you ever think of the quest people
Tony Benson I don't know what made you think that because its definitely on Quest too, lmao.
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community
Although not EVERY item on this list has been implemented, other feature requests exist that cover the majority of the requests in this mega-post.
We've implemented:
- High resolution camera capture (and other improvements)
- Cloning disable when entering worlds
- Rotate camera to match in-game camera orientation
- Better main menu positioning
- Better cache clearing
We've done a ton of work (that we haven't really talked about) on avatar crashes. Although they're certainly still possible, they're WAY less common nowadays. Due to how open VRChat is, I wager we'll never get away from these completely. Would be glad to be wrong, though!
Avatar search already exists with a lot of upvotes -- look for "search avatars" on this board and give it an upvote!
Anyhow, marking this as complete!
cool but why you guys deleted another post about EAC with 21k+ votes?
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community
kawashirov Isn't deleted, just closed.
Tony Benson
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community so quest users get nothing
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community
The link
that were working before, now says "There is no such post."
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community As the author of said post, I can confirm it was deleted after being closed. 23.9k upvotes, at some point before deletion. Most upvoted post of this feedback board, if not all of canny.
There were some complaints in it about notifications about comment replies. That, and not some other reason must've been what lead to it getting yeeted, but simple deletion is the wrong way to solve that.
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community
knah ah, it's just hidden from public view for some reason? I can see it, all votes and comments intact. We didn't take action to hide it.
Likely a Canny culling feature for old closed posts.
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community would be nice to have an option to disable further comments on it, but keep it visible for the public. Same for other closed/completed posts, if this applies to the latter too. I'm not sure if that's already available, or if you could feature-request it to canny.
Agree, this is most liked post with high gap.
It provides important context.
"hidden from public view" makes no difference from being "deleted".
Throwing away this large piece of vrchat history and collective opinion is bad idea.
If mods were a simple thing today, I still would use them only to get the horizon adjustment to work correctly without enforcing height every time you locomote. 🙄
I know this is old but the fact that this was "hidden" (yeah right) speaks volumes of the dishonesty of VRC. Sad.
since anticrash will always be something you will need to add new things to why not just let the ones who made the original anticrash list over see it? get some of them on board with you guys.
all they would need to do is add a anti-effect (meaning already added crasher effects list from the anticrash team who put the list forward wouldn't effect you.) to the safety and when toggled on it would prevent bypassing of certain effects of the user trying to crash you. they could just over see a single button. and add certain "things" to it.
let's say a avatar upon pressing a button or expression causes a disconnect on a user, super hornet would detect that, join the lobby to check the users avatar to make sure its safe. if not it would make changes to the avatar (presumably removing it from vrchat turning the user into a default robot until the avatar is reuploaded with safer bits on the avatar). this would also tell users to optimize there avatars whether they like it or not.
now super hornet or another ai for vrchat wont be able to track eveyone but it would be faster for the vrchat team then some report email.
this could be a tracked button for your bot called superhornet so anytime someone tries to crash you it would send code to the bot to let them know who it is that is trying to crash the user who has that function enabled and it would look at there avatar details as it joins the lobby to look at them.
that button should be like going to war but for the last time. lol
i know some of you are skeptical on this but it you dont add it, the game will not progress any further on safety.
players will still crash and if nothing will be done players will start to move from vrchat to elsewhere sometime in the future because they want to be able to visit a public instance and make a ton of friends and not crash when in the lobby. I have many friends who are scared of publics just because of rippers and crasher, right now I'm focused on the crashers.
Crashers are getting bad and i want to be able to limit the crashing even further. the vrchat team itself needs to understand that if this is implemented they can focus on actual updates they want to implement into the game without having to worry about "there is a crasher in the lobby report".
not to mention this may fix the certain bugs as well.
a whole dedicated team for this new function should be a thing if not already.
Scout - VRChat Head of Quality Assurance
You're talking to an echo chamber.
They're never going to implement the features we want. 😂
Jameslroll: Most features mentioned here have been added now xd
Lսna: Except the most useful.
Jameslroll: As, horrid, as they have been, a lot of that stuff can't be done instantly. They should've put it in long ago but, let's not go into those wood works.
Warix_Viviana: It was already "done." Mods implemented plenty of the features they have yet to - that they banned, so the only thing they did instantly was disable access to more features.
Jameslroll: yes yes, we all know this. But mods are dead and gone and we're trying and vrchat is trying to get all those features back. It takes time. They are implementing them, after their collosal fuck up, slowly. Just give it time.
Warix_Viviana: I, and I know a lot of other people are, done with giving them time. The remedy to their mistake is as simple as the mistake itself: remove Easy Anti-Cheat. Instead they neglect literally tens of thousands of their users' criticisms and often also admonish them for making any.
I personally have full stack experience. If the person(s) that make these decisions [to implement EAC] had any awareness of programming then they would understand that the issue is with their backend and not their frontend. Thanks to that ignorance, we have lost the convenience of a corrigible client, while still, their backend systems remain vulnerable.
More Avatar Favourites and Avatar Search
I dont care about mirrors or cameras i just want virtual desktop to work because i cant play otherwise
Arsinity: Just a comment, virtual desktop does work, just use the steam version instead of the oculus version of the game. Make sure you log in with your vrc account and not steam or oculus to keep your progress. If you don't have one, merge your account on the vrchat website.
Arsinity: EAC doesn't interfear with overlays and remote desk toping it only prevents the game from connecting to severs if it finds files in the VRC directory that should not be there.
For the love that is all holey, Avatar Scaler (SizeGoBrr) so you can change the scale of your avatar and have your viewport actually follow you. Meaning you don't have to upload multiple versions of the same exact avatar in different sizes. You would only need one to be every size. Especially useful if you are talking to someone that is a different size but you still want to be at eye level, or even if your avatar is small and you need to reach a high up button. I could go on.
Edit: I actually made a whole post about it here if anyone wants to read and upvote it if they'd like:
Here is all I want from VRC. Please listen VRC Team...
•Flying (Not allowed in game worlds), we can fly anywhere you want, even out of the building if there is no wall. (Cause I don't see HOW this could be a bad thing-)
•Instance History. Being able to go BACK to a private instance if you crashed or something, knowing you've already been there so you don't have to waste time requesting an invite back.
•Avater Searching. I don't feel VRC+ has enough features, so I feel like if you get VRC+ being able to search avatars would be cool, (not being able to search private avatars obviously) so we donr have to go world to world finding an avatar we lost or something.
•(I'm gonna put these two together because you guys are already working on them. But better portal placement, and more Avatar Favorites)
• And Lastly, I believe, we shouls be able to teleport to other users. Now, before you judge, hear me out. You can either make this part of the safety settings or male this separate settings, but either way, you can chooce specific people that can teleport to you, or you can choose JUST friends overall, or you can choose nobody, or everybody (Tho not sure why you would let everybody, I wouldn't even let this be an option). You could possibly disable this in game worlds so its not cheating. But thats what I think.
•I think an extra add on could be Photon Freezing (Coming from a Mod). Being able to freeze globally but only you can see yourself move. You can allow others to see you as well if you so pleased. (By allowing friends or nobody) Idk this ismt necessary just another I thought was cool.
•OH also adding Loading Screenshots!! I WANT THAT. Being able to see the pictures I took in VRCHAT rather than seeing the same ol' VRC Ads... (also being able to change the background sound :0)
•JOIN NOTIFIER IS A BIG THING FOR ME TOO!! Being able to see when someone joins in leave, be it friends or everyone we should br able to choose! :)
BlackFlash VA
A TON of us content creators also really need Camera Animations to make it into the game if we cant mod it in :") kinda destroys and limits us without it.
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