No way for non-Trusted users to know how broken their avatar looks to others
It's 2023. Why the heck is there still no way to preview your own avatar as other people see them, by default.
Safety system was implemented in late 2018, over 4 years ago!!
Contrary to popular perception, new users still aren't trusted by default and have to wait several months or more to become a "Trusted User" whose avatar will be seen the way they uploaded or know it looks.
There's no way to know you you look from other perspectives.
This puts people new to VRChat in a situation where they have no idea why their avatars look broken when their friends and others look fine.
(Not to mention seeing fallback versions of your avatar from quest, or PC with various settings disabled.)
Log In
They need to add a button to see your own avatar with shaders and animations disabled. Most broken meshes you see around are because of animations disabled, but the avatar owner doesn't see that because is always like "Enabled".
Even after being a Trusted user I still have this issue. It’s not as frequent, as people would need to use Custom safety settings, but it does feel quite common.
With shader based toggle methods on Pc becoming more widespread and even things like minigames on avatars, being able to view the model in various safety setting states would definitely help debugging said avatars to make them a better experience for both those using and looking at the avatars.
Your Cow Femboy
In the avatar menu there is a preview of the avatar.
Your Cow Femboy: Yes, but the avatar preview shows the avatar with safety settings off as well. This is more of a request to be able to view your own avatars under various safety setting scenarios such as, animations or shaders disabled.