More favorite world slots for VRC+
We don't need more avatar slots, we need more world slots. Especially for those of us who like to explore.
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I'm fine with you guys putting a lot of stuff in VRC+ but this should be one of the few things that shouldn't be paywalled, just increase the number of playlists or the slots of each playlist for everyone.
my take on the FavSlots:
arbitrary amount (100 favorite) for non vrc+
unlimited (or absurdly high amount ?) world favorite for VRC+ users.
if you need to put arbitrary limit for the sake of it, make it as high as it can possibly be.
same for avatars NGL...
my two cents
First of all, who needs the limit of the slot? I think it should be no limit
Favouriting the world is kind of matching bookmarking a website or liking a tweets so I've always felt uncomfortable with the limit of the slot.
I agree with this feedback. Are there any updates?
Similar newer ticket in the new VRChat+ Feature Ideas board.
AyahuyA l あやふや
This is the most needed feature in VRChat+.
The current world slots are not enough, so I would like to see it added.
Yes, needs to be a thing. I am barely hanging on with my World Tour/ Gaming/ Chill/ and Other categories at peak capacity.
Invested users are more likely to stick to a handful of avatars anyways. What we actually needs is more world slots!
We need more free slots! I filled up my 400 slots ages ago and now every time I fav a new awesome world I have to get rid of an old awesome world and just hope I'll find my way back again some day
I would like more Favorite World slots for non VRC+ members as well. One of VRChat's main features and appeal is exploring the countless worlds creators publish. There are so many cool experiences that the current limit is so restrictive and I often have to unfavorite good worlds just to make room for others.
There also needs to be more categories/folders for Favorite Worlds. Let me organize them the way I want it. A couple years ago, FavCat made favoriting and organizing so convenient because it didn't limit the number of folders and favorite worlds you could have.
We do need more avatar slots, and we need more world slots.
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