Magica Cloth
Add Magica Cloth to supported asset list as it is more performant than Dynamic Bone or Cloth component. Movement are pre-baked into data so performance would be better over Dynamic Bone or Cloth.
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magica cloth 2 is a good alternative to unity cloth.
do want plz
Tony Benson
Affects both platforms avatars right
Magica Cloth 2, runs with DOTS now, so even more performant!
Crossing my fingers that with the 2022 upgrade, we finally see support!
InsideCat: VRChat no longer interest much on paid asset to implement so more likely they do make own thing if going to do something so at least not Magica Cloth at least I can say as.
Tony_Lewis: I did think in response to this initially that they once allowed for Dynamic Bones, but then have to remember that Physbones were their answer to that. But at the same time, this request in and of itself became tracked, so I can't help but wonder if it's still possible.
Scout - VRChat Head of Quality Assurance
Merged in a post:
Magica Cloth 2 Support
Now that VRChat is being updated to use Unity 2021 versions, that would mean Magica Cloth 2 is on the table for possible avatar components.
The addon is amazing for long and draping cloths that rely a lot on collision with a mesh.
I am on me knees begging here, I love doing stuff like cloaks on avatars, but as it currently stands, physbones don't do them well and using the unity cloth component is like next level torture.
With VRChat now running on unity 2019 it is fully compatible, I appreciate VRC Dev team working on Avatar Dynamics tech, but I feel it wouldn't hurt for them to give more options to creators! Freedom to create your own experiences and share them with others That what VRChat been all about from the beginning! Adding Magica Cloth support will give creators the ability to create how they want to create.
As of the recent dev stream, this is being addressed alternatively with upcoming Avatar Dynamics.
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community
GenesisAria: For what it's worth, PhysBones (and Dynamic Bones) are not a proper Cloth implementation. We have
vague plans
to eventually look into a first-party cloth simulator, but nothing has been announced nor has any work started on such a thing. Very much a "hmm, maybe one day" thing.GenesisAria
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community: Cloth has so much usability for avatars especially and give a significant level of immersion, but the built-in unity cloth is so expensive and buggy it's ridiculous.
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community: Physbone is the worst when it comes to long clothes.
Gonna support this motion. It looks quite promising. As a big plus, it seems to be useful for both things like body jiggle, (breasts/hair etc)
cloth usage. All in one. So you wouldn't have to mess with the default unity cloth, which has quite a few limitationsLoad More