Join / Leave notifications
Sasha Mason
Pretty much just the ability to turn on a notification for when players join or leave an instance.
I know mods can do that already, but I would much prefer an official implementation as opposed to getting a mod that may get you banned.
Since you can't really hide that you are in the world anyways because you show up in the social menu (And it shows up in the logs too), I think that it would be overall a nice feature to know when friends are joining the instance or when they left. Some worlds also have that feature where there's a sound playing whenever someone joins the instance.
Would be a neat quality of life upgrade that shouldn't bother anyone for as long as you can turn off notifications.
Log In
This is complete but recently depreciated and doesn't work all the time. I keep thinking I was blocked.
available in future release
FYI you have been able to do this legitimately for a very long time in a number of ways if you don’t want to wait for the update: XSOverlay plus the Log parser is my favorite method.
in progress
This will be included with Main Menu 2.0
1: yay
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Join/Leave Notifier
I want the ability to turn on a notification for when players leave/join the lobby. That you could customize to be just friends, or all players, etc. With the option of a little bell sound to notify you as well.
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Join and Leave Notifications
Pixel Tails
It would be nice if there were notifications for when someone joins and leaves.
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Local "Friend Joined/Left Instance" Notification System
A very convenient mod I had used for the game happened to include a notification system where when a friend joined the instance, it would chime and show who. I suggest that if implemented it should of course only be local to the player, popping up in the left corner of screen as just "So and so has joined (/Left) the lobby." and would vanish after 15 seconds. The friends name being pink and the rest of the text following as blue. Or yellow and blue, as per vrc's colors. Or even adjustable to color.
I feel people playing would truly benefit more having a notification system like this, optional to turn on or off, for people like myself who get anxious about who is joining on them, even if it's unjustified. It was comforting knowing who came into the lobby after me so I can find and greet them or something else.
Most worlds in vrchat already have a system implemented, I know, but it's for everyone joining the lobby and not just specifically friends. I don't care who the strangers joining are if I'm in a public instance. I just like knowing who of my friends have joined on me.
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Notification upon user joining/leaving world
Pablo McFluffington
Would be nice to get a notification on the bottom left of the screen that pops up for a few seconds to let you know [insert username] has joined or left. It can be hard to keep up with people sometimes, especially in big worlds or when everyone starts talking over one another and can't hear a friend saying they are leaving.
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Add a player join notification
This is a feature I would really like to have implemented. When a person joins an instance, a notification would pop up on the screen saying something along the lines of "Player (username) has joined the instance". Here is what I would like the settings for it to have:
- position-able and moveable on the screen
- adjustable transparency
- time setting for how long the notification appears on screen
- color the player name to a custom color
- works in BOTH VR and desktop mode
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