In-game UI for Avatar Description
I think something that is very much needed in this game is an in game UI for the description area when you upload a model. MMD models are very widely used as Avatars in VRchat, which is fine. The issue is that most of the original model creators have rules, one of which is to credit them for the model. By adding a description area to avatar pedestals or when you select a player it showing a small bit of description text, this would give players the ability to properly give credit to model creators why also sharing other info. (For example, who the character is, what anime it's from etc.)
I see no reason for this to not be implemented, at least into avatar pedestals (as otherwise it would be a private avatar)
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This would likely solve issues that some members of the MMD community have with us. Obviously they're okay with people downloading their models if they have a download button on their NicoVideo or BowlRoll page, but there should be an easy way to let people know who made the model, and let the creators know we aren't intending to claim credit for their work. We can start by putting a link to the original model in the display picture of the avatar. We should also be able to explain to them that putting an avatar on a pedestal isn't an attempt to distribute their work as our own, and it's just letting other players quickly use the avatar for a while.
In short, the sooner we can help modelers understand that we greatly value their work, aren't claiming to have created the models being used as our avatars, and that pedestals are just a means of allowing people to conveniently borrow an avatar uploaded to user's account as-is, the better it will be for everybody.
Teh Bucket
This has been added to avatar pedastals but still needs to be added to the menu when you select a player. This is essential for legal reasons. There is plenty of art released as CC-BY Attribution that cannot be used legally unless there is a way to give credit and provide a link to the license.