For starters I don't not know if anyone ever posted this kind of idea before but just hear me out and reply how you feel about it
So VRChat credits is the in-game currency for Buying
Props/Accessories/Feature Maps/Color Name/Tags/Portal appearance Etc
In this case VRChat can make a world called VRChat Store/Shop and there you can buy IN-GAME items that can be stored in your inventory/backpack and maybe can also be used for trading/selling like a auction house
Buying In-game items such as Sword/Guns/Hats Etc and theirs also one time use like drinks with buffs or food.
The In-game items can be pulled out in any map unless the map creator does not allow VRChat items
The VRChat Items can MAYBE be made by the community like the same way we upload maps OR VRChat can make there own items such as exclusive holiday items.
Items rotate in the store every 24 hours and new items show
Ways to get in game credits is by spending time in a map which in every single map the maximum credits is 60 Credits so you get 10 Credits for every 10 mins if you ever want the map to reset to get more Credits in the same map you would need to wait 7 days for it can reset and able to get Credits again in the same map
Or a different way is you actually pay for in-game credits and use it to feature your own map. any map that is Feature the player and earns 3x the Credits and as the owner can also gain Credits for how many people visit there worlds and such.
Also MAYBE VRChat items can interact with other VRChat items or like a sword able to destroy a player if it was a PvP
since its from the game it self and the item is not from the user...not sure if that can work
The VRChat Store can also have a way to change the way your Tag looks like which is the border line around your name with some effect and also way to change how the portals look like also any accessories such as Hats/Glasses/Watches/Rings can be attached to your avatar
ALSO maybe adding Credits Booster
this also includes all VRChat Items should have a way to change its color before any purchase
There if you guys have any ideas that you guys wish to add please leave a comment and if you did like the idea go ahead and show support for this Idea by Liking it
This is Tails From VRChat see you guys there <3