TLDR: I want in-game switcher for different camera resolutions, configuration for png vs jpg and quality, processing on separate thread to reduce leg when taking a picture.
Current camera system does not allow to take high quality pictures that are really useful and can look amazing, especially during bigger events. Even with 4k pictures when you try to make a picture of ~40 people standing in line or two the resulting quality is far from enough to really see everyone, even worse if you wont get a perfect shot and you need to crop a bit. Additionally current camera seems to be processing and saving the picture in same thread as the game is running, causing bigger lag for even 4k pictures.
So there are 3 changes that should be made to make camera more usable for high resolution pictures that exited before in mods:
Compression and saving of the picture should be done in separate thread to not lag the game more than needed.
There must be in-game, on camera, a way to switch between multiple resolution 1080p, 1440p, 4k, 6k, 8k, 12k, 14k, 16k. The more options might seems excesive, but its really helpful to find the best possible quality you can handle in given instance depending on your PC, people around and how many pictures are you taking - I would say that at least 4k, 8k, 12k and 16k is a must. It also must exist in game, config file is not enough, near no one wants to always make 16k pictures, usually you only choose higher resolutions when you weant to capture more people or wider scenes, as there isnt really any benefit to take a portrait picture of single person at 16k, the textures are lower quality anyways
Currently all pictures are saved as .png files, while they are working perfectly well for small 1080p pictures, the 4k+ pictures size gets really crazy, to even 50+ MB for single 16k picture. We need some other compression, like jpeg, with configurable (this can be in a file, but I hope in future there will be some advanced menu for additional settings like that) quality level - including switching between jpg and png. It might be even interesting idea to try to find some better format than jpg, like webp maybe? but that would require some more testing to see if its better suited for this. And before someone comments about wanitng higher resolution and compression - yes, compressed 8k still looks 3x better than non compressed 4k png but is still 4x smaller.
Additionaly would be nice to see pictures being auto-rotated to correct orientation based on world to camera orientation, and for the pictures to include addtional meta-data like people visible on the photo and a world id and name so we can search (in windows explorer search or other external photo applications) our pictures by names/ids of people on them or name/id of the world it was taken in, like a comment jpg meta tag in some simple format like: author:usr_2e5eb78a-0ec4-42d8-939c-8667a4f815c8,GotoFinal|world:wrld_5c5fbdc7-6168-4cda-831b-cd63acdcb7b5,17470,Cartoon Living|pos:0.5499859,-0.005000293,6.697299|players:usr_2e5eb78a-0ec4-42d8-939c-8667a4f815c8,0.43,0.62,-0.20,GotoFinal;usr_b43287a5-1b19-4382-a25b-8667a4f815c,0.45,0.39,1.04,SomeFriend or a bit simplified by removing the positions author:usr_2e5eb78a-0ec4-42d8-939c-8667a4f815c8,GotoFinal|world:wrld_5c5fbdc7-6168-4cda-831b-cd63acdcb7b5,17470,Cartoon Living|players:usr_2e5eb78a-0ec4-42d8-939c-8667a4f815c8,GotoFinal;usr_b43287a5-1b19-4382-a25b-8667a4f815c,SomeFriend
You promised to deliver the missing features, so i hope it was not just empty words.