Friends only models
Make it so the avatar author can make avatars friends only. (only a friend in the avatar whitelist can equip the avatars)
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5 years later still not a thing /:
This has become far more important now given that avatar search worlds exist (despite the fact that VRChat said they didn't want that functionality) that are now listing a lot of avatars that they shouldn't have access to.
I personally have a bunch that are showing up in those worlds now that were only ever uploaded for friends, were never cloneable and never existed on avatar pedestals.
Kinda annoyed that the VRChat team hasn't done anything about these worlds given that they go against both VRChat's spirit of avatar discovery, and the fact it requires API abuse (or use outside of it's design) to get these IDs to list them in the world.
Enverex What's the problem with avatar searching? Not everyone wants to take a few hours or so to find specific avis they may like. The whole point of PUBLIC avatars means its PUBLIC. If you want friends to have it just upload to their account. know this is a really old post, but I felt the need to say something because I just don't find it fair to complain that you posting an avatar public, shouldn't mean "public".
This isn't to say I dont understand if people made avatars specifically for someone and that person can't upload themselves. HOWEVER, this isn't t allowed EITHER, because amongst all the people who do commissions, giving people your profile info (like passwords) is against ToS as WELL.
So it's kind of a grey area, because yes, you would love to be able to give your avatars to specific people, however that would cause annoyance to people who aren't in the group, and which would defeat the purpose of uploading to public in the first place. On the FLIP side of wanting to give specific people, you can't give your password to people (despite people doing it already, and VRChat not doing anything about it, well they did but it didn't stop them).
There ARE people that have LOCKS on their avatars, so you could look into THAT mechanic, and only give friends the code. (Granted that still causes frustration and annoyance, but at least it's I guess a little more valid)
SquidInk365 "If you want friends to have it just upload to their account." This is a massive security risk and VRChat themselves say not to do this. "Public is public" is an old argument that I'm not even willing to entertain anymore as it's been argued so much that you should have clearly seen reasons WHY that's an issue.
- No shit, people still do it, not saying it's justified. Just saying thats the option that's out there, even if illegal. (VRC Law wise)
- Okay and? Its not an INVALID argument. If you're not gonna entertain it anymore, then you clearly have nothing to oppose against the argument. You're just annoyed because it's such LOGICAL reasoning. Its probably been argued so mucb BECAUSE of the fact people like you don't see THE PURPOSE of public avatars, or don't understand why it's ridiculous to try and gate keep avatars that are PUBLIC. (IE Your idea, of having it for friends only)
- I feel like you didn't read everything. I DID mention you can always use the (stupid) lock system some avatars have, where it requires a code to use. I don't support this idea, but it's the closest to gatekeeping to specific individuals you can get, still being an annoyance but hey, you've already started. Minds well continue.
Enverex Like regardless of your, or my, opinions. VRChat will most likely not do anything about this. As that would have to be a lot to deal with. It's easiest to JUST leave it to "Private/Public" uploads. And the CREATORS (Idk if you are one, but also people like you) add locks to the Avis ON THEIR OWN. That's THEIR avatars, yes. Other than locking it, uploading publically is automatically giving anyone permission to use the avatar hence "P. U. B. L. I. C." (PS. I do NOT condone upload only Avatars. Just wanted to clarify)
NOW the ONLY thing I COULD compromise an agreement is IF THE AVATAR was uploaded privately and THEN there were options given to the creator to list specific users access. Cause THEN it wouldn't be GATEKEEPING if the avatar isn't already public. 🤷♀
SquidInk365 "Okay and? Its not an INVALID argument. If you're not gonna entertain it anymore, then you clearly have nothing to oppose against the argument. "
This comment is so stupid that it hurts. I said I'm not going to entertain it anymore because I'm tired of arguing with people about it. That's unsurprising given the parasitic, leech-like behaviour of most VRChat users.
You're correct, I didn't read everything, in fact I didn't read past the point I'm quoting this time either. Because I don't care to argue with people that don't even seem remotely interested in understanding why this bothers me or other creators. I won't be replying further.
EnverexYou seem pretty pressed over something no other creator has ever complained about (at least from the MANY discord servers of MANY MANY other creators being in them). Its actually quite "Entertaining" how annoyed you are considering this seems to be hardly a huge enough issue. The fact you didn't read all of my response (even though I had the respect to read all of yours) proves your immaturity on the matter to which you feel like YOU'RE the better person out of this, when in reality you're the one being like "Omg I only want my friends to have my PUBLIC avatars, PLEASE VRCHAT 🥺👉👈".
Also again, I can only agree on the terms you have on the fact of requesting vrchat add these options FOR PRIVATE uploaded avis. Not public. You not responding is showing you just can't fathom the truth of the logic, same as you getting annoyed at OTHER people giving the same response. Which by the way... If OTHER PEOPLE have given you the SAME EXACT argument, don't you think theres a pattern/reason going on? I know I'd probably pick up on it....
Scout - VRChat Head of Quality Assurance
Friend and friend+ would be nice. That'd protect one's model from being ripped in public world.
The others would just see the fallback avatar and your model wouldn't even be sent to their client
Emmanuel Lopez
This would alleviate many piracy / IP concerns.
White lists generally, but I like the idea. 50 points.