Disable Desktop Window While In VR Mode
As the title suggests, hide/disable the desktop game window while in VR mode. Since a VR headset is essentially 2 screens then having the desktop window also present in this scenario makes for a total of 3 screens being rendered and our performance is split 2/3 to our VR Headset and 1/3 into an unused desktop window which cannot be seen since we have a VR headset on our face. Of course this should be an optional setting.
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This is total BS but reasonable, but for Livestreamer and YT Recorders its not the Best since they need this Window to record or Live Stream the Game so making this An Optional Setting is the ONLY option.
bit 01
OP_Buster: No, they don't. We use the display mirror for that, effectively making it 4 windows of the game open. The desktop display is low res, way too zoomed in, and basically useless.
bit 01: are u sure, since im using the normal VRChat Desktop Window for Recording. And quality is perfect.
bit 01
OP_Buster: On mine it is, yes. I've seen it on many others. If the mic icon is down at the very bottom of the screen, or partway off the screen, compare it to what you see in your headset to see how far zoomed in it is. It's cropping a little window out of the center of what you see.
bit 01: oh ok, cant see it right now since my Internet is screwd up. But what screen would u recommend for better Recording whit SteamVR?
bit 01
OP_Buster: Here's what it looks like on mine on the desktop screen in vr: https://i.postimg.cc/RhhypKnM/Clip-84.png
And here's using display mirror: https://i.postimg.cc/kMkFVWXW/Clip-85.png
You can adjust it however you like. Mine's lower quality due to bandwidth limitations and compressing the screenshots.
Here's how to open the mirror in Steamvr: https://i.postimg.cc/C1Nh33Lw/steam-mirror.jpg
Then just set your recording software to capture from that.
bit 01: thx gonna look at them once my internet is fully back.
↻ Protagonist-kun
I'm in-favor of an in-game button that simply minimizes the game window. Just make options for players, don't force them into anything.
If you minimize the game window that will muck up everyones OBS Studio/streaming/recording settings, as most games can't be captured while minimized. Anyone using Display Capture as part of their stream setup would be doubly screwed.
Just minimize the window lol. The screen doesn't take any more processing because your VR uses this to render the game.
The mirrored view takes almost no extra processing as it is copying one of the eye's perspective.
I'll upvote you anyway because I don't want my family seeing me being a degenerate.
Ghostt: you can drag the desktop window offscreen (so even if its focused in the taskbar it doesn't appear) for now
This isn't actually much of an issue. What the desktop view does is grab the view from one of your headset panels. This is common in almost every VR game with a desktop mirror. Even if you're using the steam camera, forcing a 3rd viewpoint, the models are already rendered. Everything gets rendered, sightlines are made for each viewpoint (eyes and camera), and pixels are drawn. The actual drawing of pixels is negligible, as far as performance impact goes.
Valkayrie: rendering is a bit more complicate process, and it does affect performance by having a stream camera, as its another viewpoint. Many shaders are very viewpoint based etc, and rasterization can take some time too.
Tho there are technologies that limit this cost, nvidia support up to 4 different view points of same scene to render it at lower cost - idk if unity utilizes this tho. But without that, its actually pretty expensive to have another view point.
(ofc mirroring view from vr to screen is not expensive)