Disable camera visibility
Under "UI Elements" I think there should be a button to toggle other user's cameras from appearing on my end.
Many people use cameras while streaming and often times the camera, and little nameplate that goes with it, end up blocking out my screen and forcing me to use the "Disable Nameplates" option.
However that only removes the little camera nameplate and leaves me guessing who I'm talking with.
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This can literally be a local option. I don't want to see my camera or other people's cameras when I'm streaming. Honestly don't know why they haven't added this yet. :P
and if we remove the camera how will u know who u talk with
migero: He mean VR camera indicator.
Also those options should be permanent, not per-instance. It sucks that I need I disable nameplates each time I join a world or start the game, I never ever want to see this immersion breaking stuff in VR.
Emmanuel Lopez
Reimajo: Request new feature.
Emmanuel Lopez: Done. https://vrchat.canny.io/feature-requests/p/make-menu-persistent-hud-nameplates