Create a "World Instance History" tab
Bman Boogaloo
Please make a tab where you can see the last 5-10 world instances you've been too. I can't even count the number of times that I've been talking to a chill stranger, randomly crash, and not be able to find the same instance again.
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Sorely needed, returning to prior instances can be tedious.
Scout - VRChat Head of Quality Assurance
This seems to exist now as "Recent Worlds" list. Can probably close this.
_That Guy_
Deantwo: Partially. It doesn’t track individual instances of the same world. For example, If you’re jumping between a few different ‘Black Cats’, you’ll be unable to easily ID what instances you’ve been bouncing around in.
The history of what maps you’ve been to is not the same as the exact instance you’ve been to.
But you are correct. Recent stability increases, coupled with the new UI, do make this feature request less important than it was than when it was originally posted in 2020, and when it was reinvigorated in 2022.
_That Guy_: True. I missed the part about instances instead of worlds. Sorry for the confusion.
That would be a nice feature, at least just the last few instances.
PLEASE! This is honestly so useful and I loved it cause when I crashed, it was easy to get back into the world I was in with friends instead of just trying to wait for them to invite me again.
Remove EAC makes the game 1million times better, No cap.
_That Guy_
Hi Devs, if you see this, I think it would be an excellent VRC+ subscription benefit. A rolling history of the instances you’ve been in.
Sometimes while public hopping, I’ll meet someone in an instance that fits the vibe of a previous instance; it would be cool to be able to come back and introduce this person to the group. I’m not often friending the folks in the public lobbies, but I am having a good time with them. Without an instance history, I’d have to take notes of the instance Id, that would become irrelevant in under an hour. (Lots of work, and I’ll often forget to do it)
I suggest VRC+(Or scaled model) benefit because:
1) Paying members of the community are less likely to use a feature like this maliciously.
2) an added benefit that goes beyond photos on nametag and extra favorite slots.
3) it’s a QoL addition that does not add accessibility features
4) Maybe better retention on VRC+ Subscriptions due to tangible, useful QoL features (I guess 4 is just 2 squared, but it does feel important to me as an early, unbroken subscriber)
5) Increased potential for public world hopping, more people on Green/Blue,
For a scaled model, you could implement 2nd/ last instance History for standard, and XX number for VRC+
_That Guy_: hard to paywall such thing when output log and log readers exist
_That Guy_: i honestly dont believe instance history should be one of those things that is paywalled. everybody can get crashed, have some sort of issue and not be able to go back to their previous instance
_That Guy_
deeroverflow: this is why I suggested a tiered approach/scaled model.
I was worried the response would be “malicious users will abuse this”, so I considered a rebuttal to that. Also, being that VRChat answers to investors, I figured a pitch that indicates an ability to sustain an income, may be more likely to succeed.
You see, I’d love this feature to be available to all, but more accurately, I’d love this feature to exist at all. My suggestions were made with that in mind.
But you’re correct, everyone can get crashed. I do hope that if this feature is implemented that the number of crashers will reduce; they’ll be downgraded to an inconvenience instead of a day ruining event… and they’re more likely to be reported if the victim can pop back into the instance (with safety settings on) and then block and report the offending user!
Thank you for commenting. If you feel this is a worthy feature, please kindly help our voice be heard to the Dev’s and share this canny with your friends!!
first thing i do when world hopping is note the instance ID, so if i crash i can rejoin the same instance
As a workaround, VRChat logs all joined instances into the output log file with "[RoomManager] Joining ", so you can open the last output log in an editor and run a backwards+wrapped search for that string to find the world id and instance token string, then reconstruct a VRChat URL vrchat://launch?, paste that into your browser and your VRChat should open and boot you directly into that instance again.