Currently, the string loading and image loading rate limit is 1 request per 5 seconds.
The feature request is to change the rate limit to a more dynamic one. One that allows some requests to be sent in a burst, but a limit per amount of time.
For example, 10 requests per 10 seconds, where if you request 10 images in under 10 seconds, there is a 10 second cooldown on requests.
Modern web is designed around these sorts of bandwidth. Many websites themselves will often grab 20-100+ images within a few hundred milliseconds. Granted, browsers have a caching feature, but still. If a web server/CDN can be overwhelmed with a few dozen requests per client in a busy VRC world, then there is something wrong with that web server/CDN.
I am obviously grateful that we do have image and string loading in the first place. But this aggressive rate limit is going to significantly limit the capabilities of creators, and they will have to engineer solutions around the rate limit.
Some more details:
Many CDNs, DNS, or other web solutions even offer their own caching. Heck, anyone can use Cloudflare for free and it will cache all of their requests so the web server itself is not abused. This is what I do with a few of my home-hosted servers. Cloudflare even blocks DDOS attacks! Ignore the 8% cache here, as I have some services that are not behind Cloudflare Proxy. If it was a service made specifically for VRC with images and text, there is a great chance it would be 95%+.