Moving the cache itself is annoying due to having to edit a file and not having a UI element or launch option to change it easier. But moving it to a network drive has strange quirks with it I have found out.
I have a metered internet connection so I want to keep as much as I can in the cache as possible so I don’t go over my internet limits or just have to stop playing for the rest of the month so I don’t get fined. Me and my roommate both play VRChat and I got the weird idea of having a shared cache disk on a network drive that both clients can share from and shockingly it works pretty well. Doing this saved us ALOT of data like 100s of GBs a month. The cache ended up getting to like 500 gb before issues started to pop up that ended up in the entire cache getting broken.
Losing connection to the drive itself for a moment seems to cause the database get corrupted, making the entire cache just junk data that has to be removed and redownloaded over time again. Another problem arises when both of us are in the same instance as 1 person will download faster than the other and that person will see the avatar loaded fine, where the other person will stop downloading and the avatar will be displayed as an error until they hide and show the avatar.
Having a UI for changing the drive in game and adding the ability to point it to an internal network IP would make this a lot easier for users to set up such a system. The ability to change the settings for a cache would be nice as well such as specifying to dump something if a newer version is uploaded; as well as turn off the “janitorial duties” of a client so you can allow just one persons client to be responsible for the wiping and maintaining the file size of the cache, possibly making this the default option when connecting to a network drive so someone does not join it and accidentally wipe the cache from 500 gb to the default 20GB.