Avatar "LODs" using impostors
Basically a feature that would add to the avatar culling system. Makes avatars switch into their impostor versions at a distance, and then at even further distance completely cull.
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that's what kinda mipmaps are for and reducing meshes to a lower polygon count would also help when far. or even a 2d version of the character when very far. Games been doing this kinda thing for very long. The impostor thing is cool but there are much better tools for games that make things run much faster. It's just comes down to the problem of Vrchat being unoptimized basically. But yeah more settings for avatar culling would be great just in general or even a rework
Blithe Alchemy
This one has always annoyed me. When I heard about impostors I kinda expected that there would be an additional cull radius setting for showing impostors.