I very much would like to see the option for an 4-bit non-signed Integer (Values 0-15) called a Short/ShortInt (or maybe a Nibble, but I think that's less intuitive) to save on memory space for use cases that don't need such a large range.
There are many reasons why someone would prefer to use an Int:
  • Automatic swapping of toggles in menus
  • Easy greater/less/not-equal comparisons
  • Ease-of-use handling one parameter instead of multiple
(Compared to an array of bools)
But for many common situations an 8-bit Int is way too overkill, taking up unnecessary space in the memory bandwidth.
For example it's very common for an Int to be used for exclusive toggles in the Menu (meaning toggles where only one option can be active at a time), but rarely do those toggles exceed the size of a submenu, meaning 8 options (9 if you're counting 0).
Another less frequent, but important, use case is the use as an Enum (An Integer encoding different States of a certain thing). And again there are many situations where, at least I personally, didn't need the full 256 range of an Int. A good example here is the GesturesLeft and GestureRight Ints, both of them being an Enum with 8 defined states. (I know that those two don't count to the memory limit, I use it as an example)
The only problem I would see with a ShortInt is how intuitive it is for a non-programming user. Currently there is a 1-to-1 correlation between the data types used in the Parameters Object and the data types used in the Animator. Now if there is a new option, like the short, in the Parameters Object, I could see that there would be some users confused on what that correlates with in the Animator. It obviously would be stated in the documentation that it's a type of Int, but I think that there should also be an additional Info-Box on the Parameters Object that pops-up once you select a ShortInt that says something like:
"A ShortInt is an Integer limited to the values of 0-15, therefore only taking up 4 Bits of memory. It is identical to a normal Int in every other way. A ShortInt has to be defined as an Int in the Animator"