AFK Animation
add an animation slot for afk animations
With the idle animation in place, it will allow a way we can have an auto animation rather than have players swap to an afk avatar. Especially because changing avatars is a hotfix, not the answer
With a proper afk animation slot, it will allow players to express themselves, even when they say "hold on, my mom wants me to take out the trash"
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Ruuubick - Designer
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community in Progress with the new Avatars 3.0
Hugo Zink
This is something that would already be possible if we had custom animators, to be fair.
on oculus there is also a sensor which can detect if the headset is being worn.. however in most situations it pauses the application and I'm not sure if that can be overriden.
I wouldn't use it, as creating a custom AFK avatar has a lot less limitations than trying to get anything to loop with an IK that doesn't like anything else getting in the way. I'm trying to imagine anything overriding VR IK bones, let alone Full-body VR IK bones, and I think there are too many prerequisites.
If the solution to the IK being too high priority is just swapping meshes and every avatar suddenly has another mesh that it swaps, it's going to make things a lot worse than if you have some people willing to make a custom, high performance AFK avatar that they switch to.
It needs more thought and the IK needs fixing beforehand. I don't think this is good.
Kalista Phoenix
Saigo: Emotes already overwrite everything but hand rotation, it'd be similar to that. If anything, either use it as is, or fix both Emotes and have AFK animation both not use IK at all. Honestly, I don't want it to have IK at all, especially in the feet.
On the vive headset (Unsure about Oculus and WMR) there is a sensor that detects if it's being worn or not, so it should definitely be possible.
I would much rather have an animation which you can override instead of the game switching your avatar though.
Kalista Phoenix
Zarniwoop: I also agree, it would be nice to havesomething playing while I'm AFK, so my body doesn't just slump to the floor, or slide around because of leg trackers
Zarniwoop: The Oculus goes into some sort of sleep/power saver after 30 seconds of inactivity, and i believe there is a sensor on to that does the same as the one you say the Vive has.
General Sotheny
I'd love to see idle animations. Especially for people when they take their headset.