Active by language world rows
Today, most Japanese users tend to be in friends only or friends+ instances at any given time; this may be because, with the exception of a few worlds which traditionally serve the JP community, it's difficult to find worlds with other Japanese speakers from the world search screen. In particular, the active rows tend to be dominated by English-speaking active worlds.
Having a way to separate the active instance rankings by which language is primarily being spoken would help rectify this problem; there's already a canny post for setting a preferred language in your profile, but then if the instance could be tagged by the language spoken by the majority of users in the instance, and put into an "Active (English)" or "Active (日本語)" category, this would help rectify this issue.
Active欄を主要言語で分けることができれば、この問題は解決できるかもしれません。すでに自分の主要言語をプロフに設定するcannyが上がってますが、インスタンスの方も多数派ユーザーの主要言語で認識され、Active (English)やActive (日本語)に振り分けられたら、ある程度この問題を解消できるかもしれません。
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How to determine the language of the user?
KeiroKamioka: it would likely need to be part of their profile, eg
To encourage people to set it, your selection of primary language could control which ranking is shown
bd_: I'd quickly get a dilemma where I'd have to choose which language to input, and would probably choose Japanese even though it's my second...
I think it can cover up the problem but another problem will arise that is envy from other communities