A revision of the reporting system to help report ripped or stolen Avatars/Worlds.
Along with an ability to file a statement and attach files to submit evidence of reportable offences.
This will need to be supported by increased enforcement and more severe action against those who upload ripped or stolen Avatars/Worlds especially for multiple offences.
I must emphasize that this is not about copyright laws or any service that allows people to download other peoples Avatars/worlds.
This is about making life harder for those who believe it is okay to upload a stolen or ripped avatar/world.
Making players feel safe in showing off their new avatar they are so proud of in a public lobby. Knowing that if someone shows up in a stolen or ripped version of that avatar, they have the ability to do something about it by proving that it was stolen or ripped.
I will also add that ripping is already against TOS.