[1482] Allow the usage of Trackers as fallback for Hand Tracking.
I would like to see an option in VRChat's Input Update that allows users to set specific trackers as their fallback for hand tracking, in case their hands lose tracking.
Use case:
I want to use hand tracking as much as possible in VRChat. However, most hand tracking solutions are camera-based and lose tracking when hands move out of the camera's view.
To solve this, I'd like to use devices like Tundra Trackers on my wrists, so they can take over tracking when the camera loses sight of my hands.
This setup would ensure accurate hand postion tracking at all times, even when the hands are out of the camera's view. It would greatly enhance immersion and allow for seamless hand tracking without interruptions.
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Even better, why not prioritize using a tracker on the forearm for hand position? This would make hand position updates much quicker and more responsive, as only the hand rotation would need to be tracked by the cameras.
This setup would also allow for uninterrupted tracking even when your hands are behind your back or above your head, just as you described.
shade emry
I would also like to +1 this.(as in pocket money, consumer friendly) controllers for vr hand tracking is coming out and it has to use 3rd party tracker to help mitigate production cost and design issues. As far as I know, slime has already found a way to nip this kind of thing, but it would be a lot easier for hardware developers if this was explored. I know bifrost was working on a glove before the 2.0 steam control came out and had to track the glove with a vive tracker or controller. and emulate knuckles. However this is now discouraged. In order to make a full hands-only experience; tracking needs to be enabled for a per hand basis. Other companies are doing this as well. Companies have made VR gloves that already demonstrate this in unity 22.3. they have finger, spread, and force feedback support. so please consider a way of assigning trackers to hands.
I would love for this to be added so I can put down my controllers to charge and use the trackers with hand tracking when I am socialising / relaxing in VR. This will help as I spend so much time in VR and switching between Controllers or slowly charging can be annoying. This will be so convenient and great!!
gonna add to this, same should apply for controllers when in the dashboard or any steamVR overlay UI to prevent a regression the open beta currently causes
I think to expand upon this, allow trackers labelled by SteamVR's tracker labels to prioritize specific parts (Hip labelled trackers are prioritized for hip calibration for eg.), and allow Wrist labelled trackers to potentially override held-in-hand controllers (or a similar derivation of this setup). This would be extremely useful for users who have specialized setups for hand tracking for example.