[1481] Let Steam Input handle the "long press Menu for Action Menu" gesture
I find it very weird and limiting how it seems that VRChat continues to handle this gesture rather than letting Steam handle the "long press". It should be part of the default binding, with the option to remove it from the bindings and customize how it can be opened.
For extra context, I want to be able to set the action menu to another gesture, and use the B button long-press for something else. This isn't currently possible.
It would also be nice for it to be part of Steam Input so that the "long press" length could be customized.
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Why not provide an option in VRchat's Input menu to enable/disable this behaviour
That would allow avoiding any jankiness of SteamVR's long press functionality, while allowing users with custom binds to disable this behaviour
AirGamer That could work too I suppose!
ʙɪɢ․This used to be a vrchat option on live
I'd love to see these separated into two different bindings. Even if vrchat is doing the opening delay. That makes it possible to open up buttons for other things in overlays.
I, for example, only uses my action menu on my right hand and only opens the menu on my left. Since I have way more dexterity in my right hand. That would open up button click for a gesture or something on my right and long hold for resetting my playspace on my left menu.
Theres a reason why they did this. SteamVR's long press functionality is very jank. It's impossible to configure the length of the long press and it defaults to an obnoxiously long time (3 sec or so if I remember). And it brings up a little circular bar that lets you know how long to hold for, but rendering this circle when VRChat is under load can cause massive lag spikes. It's a mess. Personally I'm super glad that they are still handling it internally.
lackofbindings I'm aware of the janky "Long" option in SteamVR, I was mostly referring to another one in my head that didn't have the UI, but now that you've brought it up and I'm thinking about it again it's totally possible I'm completely misremembering and that isn't even a thing.
If there really is no way to go about it without using the wonky "Long" option then yeah, makes sense. Here's hoping Steam updates this behaviour. (It even says the long-press length is configurable in the tooltip! Very weird.)
lackofbindings The lag spike is caused by the SteamVR assets requiring VRAM, this is also the reason why the SteamVR Dashboard causes freezing at times when you try to open it.
You can resolve this! The "Overlay Render Quality" defaults to "Automatic" which defaults to "High", in SteamVR settings go to Video, enable Advanced and change the setting to "Low", it will stop supersampling overlays so text will have some aliasing but it will significantly reduce VRAM allocations needed and resolve just about every instance of lag caused by SteamVR's dashboard and overlays.
While you're in the SteamVR settings I'd also recommend turning off "Motion Smoothing", it actually makes things look much worse especially at very low framerates as is common in VRChat. If you're on a non-SteamVR native headset (Quest) this option is unfortunately not visible even though it's active, you can use OVR Advanced Settings -> Video and disable it there (bottom left corner, under the "Misc" header)
Personally, I've had my menus on double click for years ~ to access the radial/action menu I double click and hold on the 2nd click. If SteamVR input were to handle the long press this functionality would be lost, right?
ZenithVal I did some digging and I'm fairly certain you could replicate this behaviour from within Steam Input components alone.
Though in case you can't, I suppose they could just leave this "menu" keybind in to maintain that functionality and add a second "quick_menu" bind that doesn't have the hold gesture baked in? That might be best.
I guess what I'm essentially proposing is that the "menu" keybind option in the "global" tab should be renamed to "quick_menu", and have the "action_menu" keybind be found there under the B button's "Held"/"Long" option.
I'm also aware that the "action_menu" keybind can be found in "main", but that still doesn't let you remove or edit the "global" tab's "menu" long-press gesture.