Let me ask you: how much frustrating is it if menu reset every time the world lists if you open the menu again?
... Seriously annoying.
You don't want scroll AGAIN from the beginning to down to find new worlds. Every day we have a lot worlds added, especially in New and Community Labs. Insane amount of new worlds, and you don't want reset the scrolling position of the list. Now Menu 2.0 is much better for overview than website list, and i am afraid to close menu when i go to the world...
Really annoying it reset every time again. Please, i beg you, add the remember function for all world lists so it wont jump back to begin when i open the menu again.
If you add this function, world exploring will more fun because i can continue to look further in world list (from the slider position!) without start over again. Do we all agreed it? Upvote this!