[1225]New emoji are harder to see.

The new white line emoji is sometime harder to see what it represent in-game. I was wondering if we could go back to colored ones.
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Strasz - Community Team

Strasz - Community Team
This is solid feedback, and we'd love to do it -- but it is a little more complicated than it seems at first glance.
Because of the way fonts work in our chatbox, we would need to do a lot of manual work to incorporate these as glyphs (and then continue to support them well into the future).
We've looked into a few options, but unfortunately they all require a bit more manual labor than we have at the moment.

Strasz - Community Team: could you just at less reverse them to what we had before it became white lines

Scout - VRChat Head of Quality Assurance

I agree, I think they should have kept the emojis.

While the color emoji are great and would be preferable for readability to some, if the desire is to keep the chatbox "understated", I'd like to suggest at least using a font that is designed to be white on black. These emojis are "photo negatives" and so they are much harder to interpret.

Here's an example of the current chatbox and then the same, just inverted rough and dirty, the white faces are much more "facial recognition neurons" friendly

I can see why they switched over to Noto Sans Emojis, probably to just make the Chatbox looks simpler and not end up in a colour explosion. But I do agree they should use a different set of emojis and probably also one that is not just mono coloured.
I think using Fluent Emojis would be great, they have a 3D, 2D and high contrast version (which is mono coloured).

The new colorless emoji font ranges from tolerable to hideous in my opinion (especially when it comes to "people" emojis - just look at the beautiful "couple with heart (woman, woman)" in Noto's rendition), and won't work for things that require color like flags (🏳️🌈). Having normal full-color emoji like on every other platform would be optimal.
Speaking of 🏳️🌈, support for combination-based emoji would be great too - VRC renders that one as "empty flag - very thick zero width joiner - gray rainbow". The "couple" is also having issues.
Hell, even Noto Emoji has a proper "rainbow flag" glyph, but that one would probably be not intelligible at chatbox text size - color would enable packing way more information into same area.
With that said, an option to keep the latest non-color-dependent emoji font for the colorblind players might still be good to have.