[1222] Indivual user override for chatbox visibility.
Please provide a individual override option in the per user menu for the chatbox to be enabled or disabled.
This is imo generally a good idea, however i also have a specific example:
Some users have already started experimenting/using real time transcripts of all their conversations.
This is generally an interesting idea and amazing for deaf people, but since the user is still normally talking with the other players they communicate with, it's something one may not want to see.
At the moment i would need to turn chatboxes off completely for all players / friends, instead of being able to turn it off for just that person.
I definitely want to be able to see messages from a mute friend who want's to tell me something, but i would want to be able to turn it off from someone who has as transcript going on but does verbally communicate with me anyway.
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Thank you for the suggestion! Chatboxes can be hidden for individual users in VRChat 2024.3.3.
Read the full patch notes here: https://docs.vrchat.com/docs/vrchat-202433
Fax Thank you!
Bye bye RTX 4090 56℃ and music players �
Darryl Nebula
we need this asap..
Its insane that this is still an issue. Every person I have met who uses chatboxes for accessibility says they hate OSC chatbox spammers. Its almost as if theyre ignoring this issue on purpose
Why is the team ignoring this straight up, i don't know a single deaf or mute person who enjoys osc slop, "yeah lets turn this accessibility feature into something abusable, its not like anyone depends on it". Idiotic.
If you mute voice for a user, the chat bubble also disappears. But if there's someone abusing the chatbox who is speaking like normal, I'd like to just turn the chat bubbles off for that one person, without muting them.
We Need this, im tired of people miss using the chatbox to display:
Song + Timestamp
(we already have one idk why they do that)
(?????? WHYYY???)
why can we individually mute, block and hide but not the chatbox??
its getting to the point that the only thing i can do is block them.
in fact to spread more awareness i kinda wanna do the same thing and post something annoying.
Not only transcripts, I'd love being able to mute people who automatically spams chatboxes with: the songs they're listening to, the weather, the local time, their pc specs, other pc stuff (the temperatures, each individual cpu core usage, the power each fan is running at...) their current ping and fps, numbers of boops and headpats, controller and VR battery levels or even literal spammers using it to make huge chatboxes that just paste stuff with lots of lines in it...
It's awful to see an acessibility feature being abused like that, specially since I depend on it a lot, along with many friends of mine. This and the fact that it comes disabled to everyone by default (which means players unaware of its existence always think I'm ignoring them, with no way for me to tell them how to activate it since many worlds dropped the pens or local keyboards) really saddens me.
SylerH ~Artax~
Maybe something that will allow you to do "Show Chat box to Only Friends" or "Show Box to Selected People". This is a great idea!!
we are 51 days away from the day chat boxes were officially implemented into VRChat and this feature still doesn't exist and very much encourages people to disable the feature outright which is very unfortunate for the many players of VRChat that use chat boxes as the intended accessibility feature it provided, the need for this feature exists.
It's crazy that this is such a simple feature that would provide invaluable quality of life improvements, but no, BOOPS are more important.
Do any of the C level execs or board actually know what the developers are doing? lmao
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