[1216] Disallow portable mirror in game worlds
Portable mirror allows user to see others through walls, this can be abused in game worlds allowing users to see anyone far away from the player in game worlds.
In murder 4 this can allow you to see who the murderer is through the wall.
Either using world tags to flat disable this, or even better add an option to the world sdk to disable such tool to prevent cheating in game worlds.
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This won't stop cheating in game worlds.
People who insist on cheating could just add a mirror texture or hidden camera to their avatar.
You can already easily add flight/hitbox displacement to avatars in game worlds with Gogoloco
People can just use their camera too.
The real question is, Have you ever actually seen anyone do this?
Flufflestuff hi you are 3 years late to me knowing and seeing this abused after i made this.
Mirrors are extremely useful for checking your avatar toggles/poses, FBT calibration, whether your feet are touching the ground or if you're crouching/floating, etc. They should never be completely forbidden.
Solutions like making them visible to others or culling players work better, as others have pointed out.
Instead of attempting to disable this it, it might be easier to just fix issues with these. For example, using a camera or mirror to see through walls is only useful because the far clipping in those is very high. Maybe the world could override this and set it so you can't see players reflected in mirrors if they are more than a meter away, and possibly the same for cameras.
Having this be an option that can be enabled and disabled via Udon, would allow players to use them when a game is not in progress maybe or when spectating. But this depends on the game in question, so best to just leave it up to the world creator.
Make it a simple "game world" preset, then it should be easy for world creators to add to their worlds, rather than have them adjust weird clipping distance numbers on their own.
I would like Udon to be able to toggle this. Example: ForceHidePersonalMirror(true). Hides the personal mirror if it's deployed. And then you can show it again, back in the same spot.
This could be fixed by the world creator using a shader that only displays in the mirror (_VRChatMirrorMode == 1) that covers up anything too far away, but it would be better to have it as a built-in setting for world creators, also as someone else stated, it is still possible to do this with cameras on avatars, allowing players on PC to still cheat in these worlds, also the camera can be used to cheat in the same way
If only cheating in game worlds was the problem... The main concern is privacy and security, VRChat shouldn't provide any tools that could help malicious people to get an unfair advantage like cheating in games, spying through walls, etc...
These designs should have been thought before the personal mirror was implemented, if it creates problems that does help people to go against their TOS, the personal mirror should be removed until a better solution is found.
Digi The Robot
Fairplex: if people think what theyre doing is private in a public/friends+ world with other users that's kind of on them. People have always had tactics of snooping/spying with avatars, shaders, against tos mods and they always will. changing the mirror wont fix that.
Strasz - Community Team
Strasz - Community Team
We're interested in exploring adding this and other options as world rules creators can opt in for their worlds.
We don't have an ETA for that feature just yet, as a lot of design has to go into it -- but it is in the pipeline.
Rather than going "hey I want to kill this entirely", I think it would be more productive to disable the part of this that actually spoils the experience... like, say, the toggle for remote players.
World authors should be able to disable the Environment and Remote player settings on the portable mirror. I don't see a good reason to disable the entire mirror function itself.
Silent: Agreed. Disabling the mirror entirely will make things worse. Allowing people to disable certain features of the mirror is much more effective.
Temporarily disabling "remote players" as an option is much more effective in this scenario. At least for my own user, I should be able to use the mirror no matter what.
Also: If people are ruining a game by abusing the VRC's mechanics, it should be on the game developer to choose certain options that do not impact the general user experience of VRC, or for people to play with users that are not going to be abusive.
For example: "Wavelength" is a game that doesn't matter if someone uses a mirror, but since it is a "game" world, this original feature request would mean you can't use mirrors at all.
Scout - VRChat Head of Quality Assurance
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