Title, store description is currently limited to 250 characters, which is fine for a tiny description of the general lines like "get all previous stuff + these two benefits!"
But in previous canny posts I just opened, I went over how some users might subscribe from the UI, without stepping into the world and see the UI/description the creator added there for the user to read.
This means those users are unable to get an actual description of what they're about to pay for, and might reconsider not supporting for the lack of interesting benefits... just because the creator wasn't able to describe these properly.
This is also an issue even if the user is in world, because they're not able to completely verify the option they've selected is the one they wanted and saw in world before paying (yes this seems very simple but I'm sure you know someone that forgets things 3s after seeing them, that's me too)
My request is simply to increase it, the main UI shouldn't require you to click those ranks either to get the full description, because it would lead to some users potentially thinking the cut off description might be the entirety of it, leading to the same issue.
I'm sure UI can accommodate for more text, or a clear indicator that you need to "expand" the option to view all benefits it gives.