I understand that credits are necessary to allow for more transactions with less fees, that's fine, but that doesn't help the weird taste in my mouth of VRChat having "fantasy currency". I'd like to imagine that the VRChat team is responsible enough to acknowledge that having obfuscated and confusing in-game currency is typically used as a predatory move to incentivize more payments.
I think a really good solution/compromise to this could be to display a live conversion of how much your VRC balance is worth besides your Credits balance. Something like:
\V 200 ($1 USD)
This could even expand beyond the wallet, displaying next to individual payments/subscriptions.
I understand that there are some complications to this because of the nature of payouts and purchase prices not being exactly the same, but I think having a live conversion like this could be really healthy and refreshing to see from a platform after years of predatory in-game currencies and would totally be worth trying to pull off. Thanks for your consideration.