VRC+ Subscription Error
I tried to subscribe to VRC+ but when I do it says “the user is not trusted.” Can this be fixed?
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By default, Steam rates an account as "Active".
To gain the "Trusted" status on the Steam platform, the following has to have happened:
An transaction made directly on Steam, that happened over 90 days ago, and not had a chargeback.
As soon as that is the case, Steam will switch over the account to the "Trusted" status and you shouldn't see this message appear again.
Tho, as Tupper said, the VRChat support might be able to help you out.
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community
This message needs a bit of clarity! What this means is that Steam has not verified your account.
Please contact our Support team and they may be able to help get you sorted.
Since this is not a bug, I am closing this issue.