Video player does not play
YouTube and Twitch can be played, but others cannot be played.
For example, it cannot be played on ( etc.
These effects occur in both Live and OpenBeta versions.
## SystemLogs
2024.11.23 00:30:48 Log - [KineL] Take ownership (System)
2024.11.23 00:30:48 Log - [KineL] Video load process starting...
2024.11.23 00:30:48 Log - [Video Playback] Attempting to resolve URL ''
2024.11.23 00:30:48 Log - NativeProcess.Start: started process id [32448]: C:/Users/shigure_ui_live_nekoyama/AppData/LocalLow/VRChat/VRChat\Tools/yt-dlp.exe (...)
2024.11.23 00:30:50 Log - NativeProcess.HasExited: process exited with code 255, took 1356 ms. Command line: C:/Users/shigure_ui_live_nekoyama/AppData/LocalLow/VRChat/VRChat\Tools/yt-dlp.exe (...)
2024.11.23 00:30:50 Error - [Video Playback] Traceback (most recent call last):
2024.11.23 00:30:50 Log - [Video Playback] URL '' resolved to ''
2024.11.23 00:30:50 Log - [AVProVideo] Opening (offset 0) with API MediaFoundation
2024.11.23 00:30:50 Error - [AVProVideo] Error: Loading failed. File not found, codec not supported, video resolution too high or insufficient system resources.
2024.11.23 00:30:50 Log - [KineL] Video error. : PlayerError
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I also get an error on Friend+ (Google Translation)
If this is a public instance (e.g. Public or Group Public) the world/map creator (not instance owner) must whitelist domains that aren't in VRChat's global allowed whitelisted domains. Having Untrusted URLs enabled is no-longer enough.
Enverex The specification is the same, but it also affects other instance types.
Are you testing in a Public Instance? VRChat just recently started blocking any URL that is not on the whitelist, only in Public Instances.
BluWizard It seems to occur regardless of the state of the instance
This issue seems to share the same root cause. When redirecting to the custom server, the URL fails to resolve properly, resulting in playback failure.
2024.11.23 01:28:22 Log - [Video Playback] URL '' resolved to ''
2024.11.23 01:28:22 Log - [AVProVideo] Opening (offset 0) with API MediaFoundation
2024.11.23 01:28:23 Error - [AVProVideo] Error: Loading failed. File not found, codec not supported, video resolution too high or insufficient system resources.
Redirecting to YouTube, however, works as expected:
2024.11.23 01:33:40 Log - [Video Playback] URL '' resolved to ',/mh/OZ/mm/44/mn/sn-oguesnd7/ms/lva/mv/m/mvi/5/pl/17/rms/lva,lva/dover/11/pacing/0/keepalive/yes/fexp/51326932,51335594,51347747/mt/1732292451/sparams/expire,ei,ip,id,itag,source,requiressl,ratebypass,live,sgoap,sgovp,rqh,hdlc,xpc,playlist_duration,manifest_duration,spc,vprv,playlist_type/sig/AJfQdSswRQIhAMCAn5cj5EgsI6bwtnNb0yl6ft0ttDuyQY47Ys-rf0q7AiB0iwC9a2sPzwSeoIO5Qky4OGG_xvy6LDs8f00Qf3yCtA%3D%3D/lsparams/hls_chunk_host,initcwndbps,met,mh,mm,mn,ms,mv,mvi,pl,rms/lsig/AGluJ3MwRgIhANwxi2idKH51YSCFM0bax5ivTifj6te1ks5vZ5g_A80FAiEA5T25tvat6HFNzbX4OV0qRRNALuGwjD5PK_T55AisrcQ%3D/playlist/index.m3u8'