YouTube and Twitch can be played, but others cannot be played.
For example, it cannot be played on ( etc.
These effects occur in both Live and OpenBeta versions.
## SystemLogs
2024.11.23 00:30:48 Log - [KineL] Take ownership (System)
2024.11.23 00:30:48 Log - [KineL] Video load process starting...
2024.11.23 00:30:48 Log - [Video Playback] Attempting to resolve URL ''
2024.11.23 00:30:48 Log - NativeProcess.Start: started process id [32448]: C:/Users/shigure_ui_live_nekoyama/AppData/LocalLow/VRChat/VRChat\Tools/yt-dlp.exe (...)
2024.11.23 00:30:50 Log - NativeProcess.HasExited: process exited with code 255, took 1356 ms. Command line: C:/Users/shigure_ui_live_nekoyama/AppData/LocalLow/VRChat/VRChat\Tools/yt-dlp.exe (...)
2024.11.23 00:30:50 Error - [Video Playback] Traceback (most recent call last):
2024.11.23 00:30:50 Log - [Video Playback] URL '' resolved to ''
2024.11.23 00:30:50 Log - [AVProVideo] Opening (offset 0) with API MediaFoundation
2024.11.23 00:30:50 Error - [AVProVideo] Error: Loading failed. File not found, codec not supported, video resolution too high or insufficient system resources.
2024.11.23 00:30:50 Log - [KineL] Video error. : PlayerError