Trigger Thresholds in SteamVR bindings are too high since Input System update
W i l k
since the update to the new version of the SteamVR input system, the standard bindings seem to be broken in terms of triggers.
I use Valve Index Knuckles, and not all trigger actions can be performed in every case.
The reason is that the click activation threshold and click deactivation threshold are set to absurdly high values (75 & 70), which means that the triggers only fire when you press the trigger almost all the way down. Previously, the halfway point (vibration feedback) was used for this.
You can correct this behavior by pressing “Reset to default” for the two values in the SteamVR binding UI. You have to do this for the left and right controller. Currently, the SteamVR defaults are 25 and 20.
(Under Trigger --> Hit Edit at the Button section where Interact is bound to click --> Hit the cog wheel --> Adjust the threshold values --> repeat for the other side)
Why the hell were such absurdly high values chosen for the default binding? It drove me crazy. I thought my controllers were broken.
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Almost all of the threshholds for everything are bound too high. Make sure to check the menu and action menu action sets for their trigger buttons as well.
Bindings that depend on thresholds is causing serious problems with VIVE Wands.
I am using a VIVE Wand, and I am experiencing the same issue.
With the VIVE Wand, this value was set to 100 and 20.
Since the VIVE Wand's trigger tends to wear out easily, I prefer not to press it all the way down.