Station animation speeds vary when viewing through render texture
Under a specific set of circumstances, viewing a player animated by a station through a render texture capture playing at a low fixed framerate, the animation plays significantly lower, but only when the player is not in sight/is culled. Please see below linked unlisted video, notice that the animation on the render texture screen is running at the same speed as the player on the station, but when the player is out of view the animation speed is greatly decreased.
Recording of bug:
VRChat world showcasing bug (1 local and 1 remote player required):
I discovered this bug originally in NeoWorlds, which is the reason behind the weirdly convoluted setup. You can also see this bug at play in that world(Unless you are very close to remote players they animate slower than you).
Things required to replicate this bug, all found in provided world:
- Remote Player being animated by station animation controller
- Camera viewing that player and outputting to a render texture
- The camera is being activated by code using Camera.Render(), at a lower fixed framerate (using SendCustomEventDelayedSeconds). This issue does not manifest if the camera is capturing every frame.
This is a new bug; I've only encountered it recently (first discovered 2/18), despite not changing the elements at play since I've last seen this working as intended.
Have not tested if this bug is also present on quest.
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