Prevent players from turning other players into avatars automatically.
Not sure if its a bug or an pedastal exploit but players turn other players into avatars and can crash them with crash avatars.
Log In
just happend to me ;-; all i do is crash, cant admins remove the avatars that crash us so we can log back in?
Emzea: I believe that you can change into a "default" avatar from the VRChat website.
Draco Ultamus999
Just saw someone today who was stuck as a dragon who got group spammed in a server with a bunch of people. His avatar is stuck on it and he can't change out of it. He tried resetting, deleting and reinstalling it, using desktop or admin version, but nothing is working. I told him he might need to create a new account and be careful if it happened again.
Just don't let them do it 4head
Just use CTRL+\
yep, happened to me too, and the worst thing is that not everyone knows what to do if something like that happens, so I needed then to help few of my friends to be able to return to the game... I wonder how many people in that lobby were later struggling with this for hours.
I've been hearing about this more and more recently. I really hope devs are listening.
This is what happens if they don't update VRChat since September, hackers/exploiters will continue destroying the game if mods don't hurry.