After the 9/12 update, any valid avatar will become an error avatar. Probably after the 9/12 update, any valid avatar will randomly become an error avatar
Probably since the 9/12 update, any valid avatar randomly becomes an error avatar at high frequency (my personal experience is about once within 10 times). This occurs individually for each local or remote user.
If you change the avatar from the error avatar to another avatar and back again, it will not be fixed immediately, but if you change it again after a minute or more, the error may be cleared up.
The avatars that cause this problem include at least the ones I uploaded a day ago with the latest VRCSDK 3.7.0 / Unity 2022.3 environment.
This can happen regardless of whether the performance rank is Medium, Poor, or Very Poor.
・この事象が起こるアバターは少なくとも、VRCSDK 3.7.0 / Unity 2022.3の最新の環境で1日前に私がアップロードしたものを含みます。
・パフォーマンスランクがMedium、Poor、Very Poorどれでも起こりえます。
Log In
Closing this for now, the sources of the issue tracked with this post are now resolved (minus the rare edge case which is resolved in this next release). If the issue resurfaces do create a new post with details
meronmks / めろん
In the beta version of Build 1546, loading avatars sometimes resulted in an error robot.
I haven't heard that it is happening in the current Live, so it's probably due to changes in the beta, but I'll report it just in case.
meronmks / めろん: Could you share logs and example avatars (avatar id or avatar name + author)?
meronmks / めろん
I was able to reproduce it by chance today, so here is the log file, its extract, avatar name, and author of the friend that experienced it.
[Behaviour] Error downloading avatar mori/Security: Error loading asset bundle from ****: HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
Avatar name: Mori
Avatar Creator: 鈴木かに美
meronmks / めろん: ah, I believe I know the exact cause, indeed would only occur on the beta in a very specific circumstance, should just need to alter a small thing to fix it. Thanks for report and especially logs + avatar details, was able to quickly work out what was up thanks to them
euan Avatar loading errors is also happen in live recently. But I seem that it is not same mechanism. The problem mentioned in this issue is almost always an error in all other players, but the one that occurred recently was the same as before, with different display results for different people.
narazaka: If you have logs at all from it occurring that would be incredibly useful, otherwise I can't really investigate
euan I think it would be better to create another feedback, so I won't write it here.
available in future release
No new reports have come in and there's not been elevated observances of error avatars. In this upcoming release there'll be changes to catch that last known rare edge case and with it out I'll consider this complete
needs more information
Another update, with the recent patch release 2024.3.2p2 client changes were introduced which hopefully resolve this issue aside from potentially a very slim edge case. I've also been monitoring analytics we have regarding how often error avatars are seen and it's very close to normal levels again. If anyone is still experiencing this issue please document the avatar id, when it occurred, how many people were in the instance, was it an actual worn avatar vs in the menu and any other information you consider relevant
Update time: The fix is deployed and I've queued avatars to be reprocessed, so it _should_ start to clear up in the next few days. Had a bit of delay as I was testing stability and fixing another avatar stats collection. I'll review things in a week and mark this post as complete if it's looking good
euan it still happens 1505
2024.09.20 05:05:19 Log - Found SDK2 avatar descriptor.
2024.09.20 05:05:19 Warning - Recovered 0 Network IDs from Avatar
2024.09.20 05:05:19 Log - Measure Human Avatar Avatar isRemeasure:False
2024.09.20 05:05:19 Log - [Behaviour] eyeToNeck:(0.00, 0.05, 0.07) scaled:(0.00, 0.07, 0.11)
2024.09.20 05:05:19 Log - [Behaviour] Initialize Limb Avatar (UnityEngine.Animator) VRCPlayer[Local] 10352913 676 (ÏÏÏÏÌÌÌÎÎÎÏÍÏÌÎÍÏÌÎÍÎÎÍ) True Loading
2024.09.20 05:05:20 Log - [EOSManager] Auth expiring for user, refreshing login: 00029e2f2c7245fb8edd92c0d1b09596
2024.09.20 05:05:20 Log - [EOSManager] Attempting to login to EOS.
2024.09.20 05:05:20 Log - [Behaviour] CacheComponents: ParticleSystems 1, AudioSources 0
2024.09.20 05:05:20 Log - Found SDK2 avatar descriptor.
2024.09.20 05:05:20 Warning - Recovered 0 Network IDs from Avatar
2024.09.20 05:05:20 Log - Measure Human Avatar Avatar isRemeasure:False
2024.09.20 05:05:20 Log - [Behaviour] Initialize Limb Avatar (UnityEngine.Animator) VRCPlayer[Remote] 38698987 683 (ÏÏÏÏÌÌÌÎÎÎÏÍÏÌÎÍÏÌÎÍÎÎÍ) False Loading
2024.09.20 05:05:20 Log - [AssetBundleDownloadManager] Starting download of 42 MB, 0 still queued.
2024.09.20 05:05:20 Log - [AssetBundleDownloadManager] Unpacking Download
2024.09.20 05:05:20 Error - The AssetBundle '' can't be loaded because another AssetBundle with the same files is already loaded.
2024.09.20 05:05:20 Error - Error while getting Asset Bundle: The AssetBundle '' can't be loaded because another AssetBundle with the same files is already loaded.
2024.09.20 05:05:20 Error - [AssetBundleDownloadManager] [330] Failed to load asset bundle.
2024.09.20 05:05:20 Error - [Behaviour] Error downloading avatar シンシア_British_Classic_まじかるステッキ/Security: UnpackAssetBundle: Asset bundle is null.
2024.09.20 05:05:20 Log - [EOSManager] Fetched the UserInfo token successfully.
2024.09.20 05:05:20 Log - [Behaviour] CacheComponents: ParticleSystems 0, AudioSources 0
2024.09.20 05:05:20 Log - Found SDK2 avatar descriptor.
2024.09.20 05:05:20 Warning - Recovered 0 Network IDs from Avatar
2024.09.20 05:05:20 Log - Measure Human Avatar Avatar isRemeasure:False
2024.09.20 05:05:20 Log - [Behaviour] eyeToNeck:(0.00, -0.04, 0.14) scaled:(0.00, -0.05, 0.20)
2024.09.20 05:05:20 Log - [Behaviour] Initialize SixPoint Avatar (UnityEngine.Animator) VRCPlayer[Local] 10352913 676 (ÏÏÏÏÌÌÌÎÎÎÏÍÏÌÎÍÏÌÎÍÎÎÍ) True Error
2024.09.20 05:05:20 Log - [Always] EyeLookController: found avatar type =VRC_TEMPLATE_01
2024.09.20 05:05:20 Log - Measure Human Avatar Avatar isRemeasure:True
2024.09.20 05:05:20 Log - [EOSManager] EOS Login Succeeded. UserId: 00029e2f2c7245fb8edd92c0d1b09596
2024.09.20 05:05:20 Log - [EOSManager] EOS LoginUser took '0.69'.
2024.09.20 05:05:20 Log - [AssetBundleDownloadManager] Starting download of 4 MB, 0 still queued.
2024.09.20 05:05:21 Log - [AssetBundleDownloadManager] Download for avatar (Worn:0 Friend:0 Shown:0 Near:0) (4.9 MB) started 0 seconds and completed 1 seconds after queueing.
2024.09.20 05:05:21 Log - [AssetBundleDownloadManager] Average download speed: 7403529 bytes per second
2024.09.20 05:05:22 Log - [AssetBundleDownloadManager] Unpacking Download
2024.09.20 05:05:23 Log - Measure Human Avatar Avatar isRemeasure:True
2024.09.20 05:05:23 Log - [Behaviour] CacheComponents: ParticleSystems 0, AudioSources 0
2024.09.20 05:05:23 Log - Found SDK3 avatar descriptor.
2024.09.20 05:05:23 Log - [Behaviour] Using custom gesture mask from base layer
2024.09.20 05:05:23 Log - [Behaviour] Using default fx mask (all muscles disabled, all transforms enabled)
2024.09.20 05:05:23 Warning - Recovered 17 Network IDs from Avatar
2024.09.20 05:05:23 Log - Measure Human Avatar Avatar isRemeasure:False
2024.09.20 05:05:23 Log - [Behaviour] Initialize ThreePoint Avatar (UnityEngine.Animator) VRCPlayer[Remote] 38698987 683 (ÏÏÏÏÌÌÌÎÎÎÏÍÏÌÎÍÏÌÎÍÎÎÍ) False Custom
2024.09.20 05:05:24 Log - Look rotation viewing vector is zero
RootMotion.FinalIK.VirtualBone:GetDirectionToBendPoint(Vector3, Single, Vector3, Single, Single)
RootMotion.FinalIK.VirtualBone:SolveTrigonometric(VirtualBone[], Int32, Int32, Int32, Vector3, Vector3, Single)
euan this is also latest sdk3 avatar avtr_f5bf0841-ddd7-49f8-8619-149b5c6cf291
euan it does not fix until restart the vrchat app. it may be more bad than before
narazaka: Interesting, I think that specific case might be a client bug, which should in theory be fixed by client changes which are working their way to an upcoming release
euan I'm not interesting~~~
Hey, latest update here is that things are still being worked on. Looking to slip into tomorrow, trying to get a small fix in related to the collection of certain avatar stats that causes the server side calculated performance rank shown in the avatar thumbnail to be off in some cases, this as I need to mark a number of avatars to be reprocesses server side and better to just do it once rather than multiple times
Merged in a post:
Avatars switch to error robot after normal use
I was tabbing in and out of vrchat earlier today and one time i found that my avatar had switched to an error robot when i have not switched at all. A possible cause for this could be osc, as i was messing around with my personal osc program at the time.
Attached are my last ~~4~~ 3 logs, although i am almost certain it was the last or second to last one where this occurred
edit: removed the 4th log as i know for a fact that was not it
Merged in a post:
Bogus avatar load status
I cycle between 150+ avatars that I've uploaded on a regular basis, and this past week I've noticed occasional bogus avatar load errors. What happens is when I click to select an avatar, the portrait display the gray robot with "Error" on its chest. Clicking "Change Into Avatar" loads the same gray error avatar. When I display avatar details on the gray robot avatar, it shows bogus statistics, i.e. excessive particle use (the avatar does not use particles). To remedy this problem, I have to select a different avatar, change into the new avatar, then subsequently re-select the problem avatar before it displays normally and loads successfully. In the attached images, I show some of the problem stats and the subsequent successful stats.
Here is some additional data on this particular avatar:
Rank = Medium
Download Size: 5.02 MB
Texture Memory: 10.67 MB
Uncompressed Size: 23.76 MB
Physbone Components: 15/16
Physbone Transforms: 61/128
Physbone Colliders: 1/16
Physbone collision Check Count: 6/256
Contact Count: 0/24
Constraints: 0/300
in progress
as Tony posts a fix for this is in progress and I hope to fix and get released monday. It is not related to the client update released recently and so thankfully will not need a client update, it may take a bit of time for the issue to completely clear up though
euan I wrote that it happens on latest sdk3 avatars. Is it same problem????
My log says that my avatar that it appeared by SDK3.7.0/unity2022.3 is SDK2!
It is not the problem about the avatars that was solved by SDK2/old SDK3 but avatar descriptor detection bug.
There was also a post on #avatar -general with the same recognition.
The avatar I uploaded with my SDK3.7.0/Unity2022.3 (latest) says that the log is an SDK2 avatar!
In other words, this is not an issue with avatars uploaded with SDK2/old SDK3, but rather an Avatar Descriptor detection bug.
Also, there was a post with the same recognition on #avatar -general on the VR Chat official Discord.
2024.09.13 05:07:30 Log - [AssetBundleDownloadManager] Starting download of 21 MB, 0 still queued.
2024.09.13 05:07:30 Log - [AssetBundleDownloadManager] Unpacking Download
2024.09.13 05:07:30 Error - The AssetBundle '' can't be loaded because another AssetBundle with the same files is already loaded.
2024.09.13 05:07:30 Error - Error while getting Asset Bundle: The AssetBundle '' can't be loaded because another AssetBundle with the same files is already loaded.
2024.09.13 05:07:30 Error - [AssetBundleDownloadManager] [119] Failed to load asset bundle.
2024.09.13 05:07:30 Error - [Behaviour] Error downloading avatar シンシア_ShoulderStrapDress_Lite/Security: UnpackAssetBundle: Asset bundle is null.
2024.09.13 05:07:30 Log - [Behaviour] CacheComponents: ParticleSystems 0, AudioSources 0
2024.09.13 05:07:30 Log - Found SDK2 avatar descriptor.
2024.09.13 05:07:30 Warning - Recovered 0 Network IDs from Avatar
2024.09.13 05:07:30 Log - Measure Human Avatar Avatar isRemeasure:False
2024.09.13 05:07:30 Log - [Behaviour] eyeToNeck:(0.00, -0.04, 0.14) scaled:(0.00, -0.05, 0.20)
2024.09.13 05:07:30 Log - [Behaviour] Initialize SixPoint Avatar (UnityEngine.Animator) VRCPlayer[Local] 43598360 1 (ÏÍÍÌÏÎÎÏÍÎÌÌÎÏÏÎÏÍÎÏÏÌÌ) True Error
2024.09.13 05:07:30 Log - [Always] EyeLookController: found avatar type =VRC_TEMPLATE_01
2024.09.13 05:07:30 Log - Measure Human Avatar Avatar isRemeasure:True
euan avatar id is avtr_9928c180-c612-4a04-9edc-c2424c796222
and the another same log about avtr_54eb3ef3-ee21-4e9a-b198-33a05f7b1761
2024.09.13 07:51:46 Log - [Behaviour] CacheComponents: ParticleSystems 1, AudioSources 0
2024.09.13 07:51:46 Log - Saving Avatar Data:avtr_721e38ef-5b6b-4417-b284-cb4efed0b37d
2024.09.13 07:51:46 Log - Found SDK2 avatar descriptor.
2024.09.13 07:51:46 Warning - Recovered 0 Network IDs from Avatar
2024.09.13 07:51:46 Log - Measure Human Avatar Avatar isRemeasure:False
2024.09.13 07:51:46 Log - [Behaviour] eyeToNeck:(0.00, 0.05, 0.07) scaled:(0.00, 0.07, 0.11)
2024.09.13 07:51:46 Log - [Behaviour] Initialize Limb Avatar (UnityEngine.Animator) VRCPlayer[Local] 73047915 530 (ÏÍÍÌÏÎÎÏÍÎÌÌÎÏÏÎÏÍÎÏÏÌÌ) True Loading
2024.09.13 07:51:46 Log - [AssetBundleDownloadManager] Starting download of 23 MB, 0 still queued.
2024.09.13 07:51:46 Log - [AssetBundleDownloadManager] Unpacking Download
2024.09.13 07:51:46 Error - The AssetBundle '' can't be loaded because another AssetBundle with the same files is already loaded.
2024.09.13 07:51:46 Error - Error while getting Asset Bundle: The AssetBundle '' can't be loaded because another AssetBundle with the same files is already loaded.
2024.09.13 07:51:46 Error - [AssetBundleDownloadManager] [324] Failed to load asset bundle.
2024.09.13 07:51:46 Error - [Behaviour] Error downloading avatar シンシア_クラシックセーラー/Security: UnpackAssetBundle: Asset bundle is null.
2024.09.13 07:51:46 Log - [Behaviour] CacheComponents: ParticleSystems 0, AudioSources 0
2024.09.13 07:51:46 Log - Found SDK2 avatar descriptor.
2024.09.13 07:51:46 Warning - Recovered 0 Network IDs from Avatar
2024.09.13 07:51:46 Log - Measure Human Avatar Avatar isRemeasure:False
narazaka by curiousity. I had this issue during september but it seems to have dissapeared for me. Maybe it got fixed? Does it still happen to you?
I played for 2 weeks just to be sure, but so far the recurrence has not occurred and I believe the correction has been successful.
Further patch ETA: Monday
If you still experiencing odd error avatar after Monday (aka Tuesday maybe in JP, DM Euan your avatar ID having issue, private is fine.)
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