Particle systems with no material/disabled Renderer module still count towards material slots

0 Material particles systems (No assigned material and Renderer module disabled) still contribute to the material slot count.
Such particle systems are used for stop action effects (animate on collision) or effects that have an invisable projectile, but visable collision effect
The performance system already considers if the trail module is enabled (couting the second slot) so it would make sense that it consider if the renderer module was disabled and ignore all slots.
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Just opened up feature requests to make this same request. I have an entirely empty particle system that I use as an activator for sub emitters, but it has zero content otherwise. Still counts as a material slot.

Gomi Deer
VRChat pls


Merged in a post:
Particle systems with out a renderer or material shouldn't b counted as having a material

the avatar ranking system counts Particle with no material or renderer as having a at least one material regardless. this makes buffer particle and empty parent particle come at performance ranking cost. with there already being a ranking system for particle system it seams a little redundant to count materialness systems as having them.

Merged in a post:
Particle Systems with no renderers that has trails take up two material slots in the Performance Ranking System

Particle Systems that use trails will always count as an additional two material slots in the Performance Ranking System no matter if the Render Mode is set to None or not.
First image is a regular particle with trails and it understandably costs two material slots because there are two different materials attached to it.
Second image is a particle with trails with Render Mode set to off, but it still uses two material slots despite only having one slot to put the material in.
This is strange because technically it shouldn't take up material slots if it doesn't even have a material attached to it or even render in the first place.
Is this intentional or a very weird and niche bug?


lackofbindings: Thanks!

This is an old post but the same behavior is still present in the latest SDK. With the renderer module disabled it really should not count against material slots. Took me a while to figure out where extra material slots were coming from in the rating.

Because they still have a material slot, regardless if it is used.

Odds: You also still have a material slot for trails (both slots live in the render module) yet is not counted if the trail module is disabled.
This sets a precedent for doing the same thing when the render module is disabled, yet this currently isn't done.

Odds: I don't think particle systems without renderers have material slots. If you check the Unity Frame Debugger, you'll see that the draw call is removed when you disable the particle system's renderer module.